Hadley Beeman Profile picture
Architect for #openstandards & the Web. Advisor on tech policy. Co-founder of @300_Seconds. Data & security geek. Active in NHS, UK gov and W3C; views mine.
Jul 29, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
After reading Google’s announcement that they no longer plan to deprecate third-party cookies, we the @w3ctag wanted to make our position clear.

Third-party cookies have got to go.

We have updated our TAG finding Third-party Cookies Must be Removed to spell out our concerns.
/1 Third-party cookies are not good for the web. They enable tracking, which involves following your activity across multiple websites. They can be helpful for use cases like login and single sign-on, or putting shopping choices into a cart —
Sep 24, 2020 9 tweets 10 min read
It’s here! The @NHSCOVID19App for England and Wales is going live today. It will help each of us to keep our loved ones safe.

It also keeps our personal information private.

To get it:
• iOS: apps.apple.com/gb/app/nhs-cov…
• Android: play.google.com/store/apps/det…

Here’s how it works:

1/ Mobile phone, with NHS COVID-19 App on it, in a pair of hand @NHSCOVID19app Exposure notification: Using Apple & Google’s Exposure Notification APIs, your phone pays attention to when you’re within 2 meters of someone for more than 15 minutes.

How it protects your privacy: covid19.apple.com/contacttracing

2/ People near each other, with mobile phones looking for each
Aug 8, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Thrilled we can announce a new £250m AI Lab in @NHSX!


We will be transforming some of our community’s best efforts to improve health and care, using applied AI.

Cancer screening and detecting results on scans, predicting load on beds or medicines, detecting patients at risk of post-op complications… The AI lab could do a lot to improve the data-driven NHS and care system we know we need.

Jul 1, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
Today we launched @NHSX. After lots of planning and staffing and talking with many of you about what’s needed — it’s finally a thing.


We talked today about our @NHSX missions:
1. Reducing the burden on clinicians and staff, so they can focus on patients
2. Giving people the tools to access information and services directly
3. Ensuring clinical information can be safely accessed, wherever it is needed

Jun 16, 2019 10 tweets 5 min read
Today’s @NHSHackDay was our ecosystem at its best: clinicians, entrepreneurs, carers, patients, and developers all setting themselves a user need and building a prototype to fix it.

And it was a great honour (and great fun) to judge with @wendyclar and @GillianLeng.

#nhshd 1/ 1st prize: Porteroo

Rather than porters rushing round to get/deliver routine collections of blood & specimens, this team created a sign for each collection pt, with a “if urgent, scan this QR-code” to send the specific specimen into the urgent queue.

#nhshd 2/
Apr 7, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
ICYMI: I’m delighted that we are welcoming the brilliant @matthewsgould as CEO of @NHSX!

We’ve also shared a few new details about NHSX...


gov.uk/government/new… First up... we need a CTO for @NHSX. This person and their team will get to define and deliver the technical architecture for the NHS and social care.

The new CTO will also oversee @NHSX’s engineering, skunkworks and infrastructure work.

Feb 19, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Bringing the culture, productivity, openness and constant iteration of the internet to the the way we approach NHS technology...

Announcing @NHSX!


gov.uk/government/new… The digital transformation of the NHS is the most important change we can make to the system. It will give us data to boost cancer survival rates; join up a patient’s journey across health and social care; give clinicians the tools they need so they can focus on the patient.
Jan 8, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
ICYMI: We are shaking up outdated GP IT systems


#healthtech #datasaveslives #userneeds

We all have email/web services that are constantly improving for us. We can see our bank accounts on our phones. We have continually updating apps helping us get to work & keep in touch with our families.

Shouldn’t our GPs have digital services that fit them that well too?

Dec 14, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
One for both the webVR/#webXR and the #healthtech communities...

People suffering from delusions try to keep themselves safe from what they fear may hurt them — for example, by not going outside.

They do stay safe, which reinforces this decision.

@ProfDFreeman of @UniofOxford/@Oxford_VR_Ltd is using an @OfficialNIHR grant to see if virtual reality could help to break that cycle.

He wanted to give those people a safe way to explore the scene of the delusion (like going outside). And learn/test what’s safe.

Oct 30, 2018 5 tweets 4 min read
Starting day 2 of @w3ctag face-to-face in Paris with @lukOlejnik sharing his proposed edits to the Security and Privacy Questionnaire to help spec authors/designers design safe new web features.

Today's minutes:
cryptpad.w3ctag.org/code/#/2/code/… @w3ctag @lukOlejnik This is the current draft of the Security and Privacy Questionnaire for spec authors:

Oct 23, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
And so I’m off to @w3c’s TPAC, when all the working groups get together to make some progress on their own features of the web and to learn from what everyone else is up to.

On my mind:

• Credibility and fake news: can we build something into the web platform to help search engines and social media sites work out what to prioritise?

Oct 17, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
Today we are publishing our vision for the future of healthcare, a tech architecture across the NHS and #healthtech economy.


gov.uk/government/pub… Screenshot of linked doc We have so many pockets of amazing digital services, groundbreaking AI, cutting-edge sensors and other innovations — but not the architecture to spread them across the NHS or make them work anywhere.

We will mandate open standards to create this environment.

May 26, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Speaking as a user — THIS 500 KB site is the web I want.

Speaking as an architect of the web — I keep thinking that we’ve built a platform that is serves, in this example: 9% content, 91% ads and tracking.


(@w3ctag) Yes, some of that tracking personalises the site, which you could argue is for the user — but I don’t want personal. I want to learn, which means reading viewpoints I wouldn’t have indicated a preference for.
Feb 1, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
Now on countering #fakenews & disinformation in architecture of the web.
I think (hypothesis!) it'd help to expose more machine-readable info for UAs/indexers/crawlers to decide what to do with articles.

@w3ctag 1/4 Specifically, to counter some #fakenews/disinformation, I'm thinking thus far we could use:

• markup for news to demonstrate provenance/facts
• some way for fact-checkers to say "I disagree; here's why"

Further thoughts:

@w3ctag 2/4
Jan 31, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
I've been doing some research on #privacymode in browsers. (THREAD)
Use cases:
- To protect you from
• the next person to use your browser
• the network snooping
• the site knowing too much about your prior browsing
- For a fresh browsing context (no cookies/fingerprinting) I then looked at the ways browsers implement their own #privacymode.
TL;DR: they're all different.

Do you know what your browser's privacy mode protects you from?

Web features affected:

Jan 31, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
Other new features we're reviewing:

Media capabilities API
To give a website enough information on the user agent, device and display to optimise the user’s experience by starting with the best possible content quality.

@w3ctag Async Clipboard API
Proposes an asynchronous promise-based API for clipboard actions (cut, copy and paste) to read/write from/to the clipboard.

May 24, 2017 5 tweets 1 min read
After ~300 of us spent Mon eve watching the Register-to-Vote site stats on GOV.UK, I just checked aggregates. gov.uk/performance/re… /1 On Mon,last day to register for #ge2017, 662k people did:
256k <25s
207k 25-34s
89k 35-44s
47.9k 45-54s
21.2k 55-64s
7.7k 65-74s
3.5k 75+
Mar 14, 2017 4 tweets 2 min read
Today's @w3ctag call: possible architectural solutions to fake news webfoundation.org/2017/03/web-tu… ; reviewing remote playback & media session APIs The web doesn't have a way to mark content as "authoritative" or "credible". We often use PageRank (& equivs at FB, Twitter, etc) as a proxy