Henry O'Loughlin Profile picture
Host of a podcast (very original) called Who Knows. I interview people with unique views on how the world really works.
Jul 27, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
We think we always move forward with technology. Often, technology allows us to move backward to our original preferences.

We go from...

Preference ➡️ Productivity ➡️ Preference with technology

Here are some examples... but please add your ideas 👇 1. Hieroglyphs ➡️ words ➡️ emojis

2. Books ➡️ phones/computers ➡️ Kindles

3. Encyclopedias ➡️ internet ➡️ Wikipedia

4. Radio ➡️ podcasts ➡️ live podcasts (radio)

5. Instant Polaroids ➡️ cameras ➡️ instant camera phones
Jul 27, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Bitcoin & remote work are like...

Peanut butter & jelly
Chips & salsa
Milk & cookies

...people just aren't quite aware of the paring yet.

There are 5 principles where #Bitcoin and #remotework perfectly align. Together, they'll drive the benefits of the digital age.

🧵 1. Digitally native

Remote work's breakthrough is the ability to communicate digitally. When we can communicate, we can create value over the internet.

Bitcoin's breakthrough is the ability to store and transact value digitally with out the need for paper, banks, or gold.