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Lawyer, Podcaster, Nerd @EncryptedEcon @LeXpunK_Army Get the Encrypted Economy podcast here:…
Sep 8, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
🔥 Thread: IOSCO's "Policy Recommendations for Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Consultation Report" Unpacked 🔥 1/20 📄 IOSCO Report… 📌 The report’s release, esp. given the CFTC’s settlements with ZeroEx, Deridex, and Opyn, is a significant move in regulating the DeFi space. 👀 2/20
Feb 21, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
How do we reconcile @BlockFi with the @SEC_Enforcement Director’s recent assertion of crypto “there is not regulation by enforcement, there is not regulation by enforcement, there is not regulation by enforcement”? 1/10… The @BlockFi settlement positive spin was that @SECGov presented a compliant path, albeit one limited to offerings that can shoulder the burdens of filing S-1's & applying for the market intermediary exclusion from the Investment Company Act. 2/10
Feb 19, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Imagine the SEC Chair speaking publicly about new disruptive technologies & cataloguing the benefits to electronic trading...recognizing the need for the SEC to adapt regulatory frameworks that allow developing markets to benefit from this new technology. @GaryGensler Imagine the SEC Chair discussing the benefits of massive cost efficiencies .... fractions of the costs to established players and not in terms of comparative fairness to what other regulated participants pay
Feb 18, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
The 30 day clock will soon start for comments to Reg ATS revisions. @syd_lauren has been tracking the Fed. Registry. 1 proposed rule is ahead of this days away from comment countdown ...… @LeXpunK_army 1/21 654 pages. How many books do you read that are = or > 654? @GaryGensler’s aggressive timeline is reflective of a desire to NOT engage in constructive dialogue with the digital asset industry. What happened to careful consideration and informed comment? 2/21
Jan 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Deeper review of the Amend Reg ATS release re "Communication Protocol System" (sooo not done). @HesterPeirce is right to signal its future ramifications for #digitalassets /1 @JSelway3 @ChrisGrobbel Deep concerns re HOW #SEC can even apply exchange regulation to digital assets (e.g., Customer Protection Rule??), but TL. Square peg, round hole. IMHO, this release turns that peg into a block. /2