Henrique Pereira Profile picture
Professor of biodiversity conservation @iDiv @UniHalle, invited researcher at @CIBIO_InBIO 🇵🇹🇪🇺
Feb 14 7 tweets 2 min read
I am afraid that although catchy, biodiversity leakage is not as much of an issue as the paper below suggests and should definitely not stop us from doing ecological restoration in the Global North. A short thread explaining why the argument in the paper is flawed. 🧵👇 Image 1. A lot of the ecological restoration and rewilding in Europe and elsewhere is happening on marginal agricultural land with low yields. So, there are significant biodiversity gains for little agricultural yield loss.
Sep 4, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
Are most species rare? How many species are out there? Our paper on "Unveiling global species abundance distributions " is out today in #openaccess @NatureEcoEvo. A thread🧵 1/# @idiv @UniHalle @callaghanct First a link to our paper 2/#nature.com/articles/s4155…
Dec 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
❗️❗️❗️Global Biodiversity framework just approved @UNBiodiversity #COP15. Extraordinary achievement of the global policy and scientific community. Years in the making. Now the hard work starts: implementing those targets and goals. Some last minute reservations from Democratic Republic of Congo hopefully will not come back to haunt this agreement.
Dec 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
❗️❗️❗️ Proposal from Chinese presidency @UNBiodiversity #COP15 is very good. I would approved it without further changes. cbd.int/doc/c/7a5e/1d9… It retains much of the original ambition, and particularly the parts that I felt were more solid and important. Such as the "all areas" in Target 1 under integrated spatial planning.
Jul 15, 2022 27 tweets 16 min read
Last week @IPBES welcomed the #naturefuturesframework, an approach to develop a new generation of nature-centred scenarios exploring desirable futures. Why is this important and how did we arrive here? A thread👇 Image In 2016 @IPBES published an assessment on scenarios and models. It found that existing scenarios failed to fully incorporate the multiple benefits of biodiversity to people at multiple scales. It encouraged the scientific community to develop a new generation of scenarios. Image
Jun 25, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
So after a bit of a delay, the @EU_Commission finally published the proposal of #RestoreNature. This is a major step forward in the implementation of the @EUEnvironment Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. However there is still some potential for improvement. A thread. First a brief examination of the many positive aspects of the proposal. It’s ambitious but arguably achievable in most of its goals. It covers agricultural, forest, freshwater, marine and habitats with specific targets, indicators and approaches for each.
Nov 22, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
We provide a synthetic review of major policy-relevant developments on biodiversity science around multiple values, remote responsibility, restoration, positive futures, multidimensional change, and monitoring/ modelling biodiversity change. We hope that this can have an impact on the negotiations of COP 15 of the @UNBiodiversity but the relevance of our framework goes beyond that to laying down what needs to be done in each country.
Nov 1, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
So I get this question a lot - how to write a paper review - and decided to write a short thread with a few recommendations. 1. Be kind. Think about what style of comments you’d like to receive yourself. Feedback can be hard to receive, and there’s no need to be harsh.