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Jun 13th 2023
Sicherlich mitbekommen:
Der Streit um das "Nature Restoration Law"🌱🦉 der 🇪🇺...

Nach dem Gesetzentwurf sollen die EU-Staaten auch Maßnahmen zum #Moor-Klimaschutz umsetzen.

👉Welche Anforderungen stellt der Gesetzentwurf zu #MoorMussNass💧& wieso wird er kritisiert?
1 🧵👇
Der Entwurf des "NatureRestorationLaw" (NRL) sieht Wiedervernässungsziele für Moorböden in landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung vor.
Davon wären unterschiedliche EU-Staaten unterschiedlich betroffen, wie die untenstehenden Grafiken anschaulich zeigen.👇
/2/ ImageImage
Im NRL konkret formuliert sind Maßnahmen zur Wiedervernässung von...
- 30% der landw. genutzten Moore bis 2030 (davon im 🇪🇺-Ø mind. 7,5% wiedervernässt)
- 50% bis 2040 (25% wiedervernässt)
- 70% bis 2050 (35% wiedervernässt)

👇(Screenshot aus dem Gesetzesentwurf (S.40) Image
Read 24 tweets
Jun 12th 2023
Our forests, rivers, oceans and grasslands are in peril - worldwide, over 75% of nature is in bad shape. But this week @EP_Environment could vote for a law to #RestoreNature. MEPs: Without nature, there's no food, no water, no future - we need a strong Nature Restoration Law Image
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to turn the tide on the nature and biodiversity crises and put ecosystems on the path of recovery. @hildebentele @fritzon_h @emmawiesner @MichalWiezik @Frederiqueries @SincicMEP @toth_edina @ma_danzi and other ENVI MEPs: #RestoreNature
Conservative forces have even gone as far as to claim that repairing our damaged nature in the EU will jeopardise our renewable energy targets and undermine food production.

It’s total nonsense. 👇
Read 4 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
Thank you! I am watching now. Make my comments as I progress in watching this video about #RestoreNature: good intentions, bad design!

* Minute 4: With all due respect, you said that IA does not answer to a ❓about the impact of legislation on the cost of living. #thread
If there is need of additional information, #EP has the obligation to ask for additional impact assessment, there is even an obligation. You said the IA does not answer to the question about the impact on the economic cost. Here the answer simplified… 1/1
Minute 5: You cannot judge the importance of a legislation based on your personal assessment that this legislation is an invitation for court cases. A judge is focused on the common interpretation of rules, and not on quantifying targets. 1/2
Read 12 tweets
May 22nd 2023
Welttag der #Biodiversität! #BiodiversityDay
#Artenvielfalt ist bewahrenswert an sich - und sie ist unsere Lebensgrundlage!
Gesunde Ökosysteme liefern uns
💧 trinkbares Wasser
🪱 fruchtbare Böden
👃 Luft zum Atmen
Und vieles mehr.
Noch! Ein Thread 🧵 Grafische Darstellung von Ö...
8 Millionen Arten sind bekannt, davon sind 1 Million vom Aussterben bedroht!
Gründe für das #Artensterben:
🪚 Zerstörung des Lebensraums
🚜Intensive Landwirtschaft
🌍🌡️ Klimawandel
⚗️ Umweltverschmutzung
🦄 Invasive Arten
2/ Grafische Darstellung der T...
Besonders gefährdet sind folgende Artenfamilien:
🐸 Amphibien
🪸 Korallen
Arten sterben schneller aus als sie erforscht werden können! Maschen im Netz des Lebens zerreißen - irgendwann trägt es uns nicht mehr
3/ grafische Darstellung der v...
Read 9 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
So after a bit of a delay, the @EU_Commission finally published the proposal of #RestoreNature. This is a major step forward in the implementation of the @EUEnvironment Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. However there is still some potential for improvement. A thread.
First a brief examination of the many positive aspects of the proposal. It’s ambitious but arguably achievable in most of its goals. It covers agricultural, forest, freshwater, marine and habitats with specific targets, indicators and approaches for each.
It is progressive over time, with targets for 2030, 2040 and 2050. And aims for a positive future for biodiversity as in the #naturefuturesframework @ipbes or the ideas of bending the curve of biodiversity loss, by Georgina Mace and others.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
Today we see how vested interests are exploiting the #UkraineRussianWar to harm Europe’s natural environment & the health of its citizens. 👎

We urge the @EU_Commission not to fall for these despicable tactics & to uphold our biodiversity and climate objectives. 🌍🌾

🚨The EU law to #RestoreNature is under threat!

The European Commission has promised to unveil the proposal today but is now postponed without a new publication date.

🗓️ We urge the @EU_Commission to launch the proposal within a month.

👉 Image
We need to stop toxic pesticides from infiltrating our fields & reduce our #fossilfuels dependency.

The time has come for the @EU_Commission to introduce an ambitious #pesticides regulation paving the way towards #agroecology 👩‍🌾 🐝

👉 #UpholdFarm2Fork Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
Week 81 #FridaysForFuture. The European farm lobby is trying to get rid of any progress made towards the climate and biodiversity crises by exploiting Putin’s attack on Ukraine.
Here is a 🧵about how the EU is trying to disguise false solutions as #FoodSecurity concerns: 1/
There is increasing concern that @vonderleyen and @TimmermansEU will give in to pressures by the farm lobby to postpone or get rid of the upcoming EU Restoration law and a new law that controls the use of pesticides. 2/
The farm lobby is trying to convince @EUAgri to channel huge subsidies into the livestock sector, and are asking that areas used for biodiversity not be used for food but for animal feed. 3/
Read 8 tweets

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