Hassan I. Hassan Profile picture
Founder and editor in chief, award-winning @newlinesmag and its Arabic sister @alpheratzmag. New York Times Bestselling Author. Father of two boys
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Oct 20, 2023 9 tweets 7 min read
I haven’t seen such relentless interrogation of Palestinian leadership before, esp. in Arabic.

On Saudi Arabia’s main TV channel, Hamas leader is clearly startled by the intensity of the questions & responses to his answers.

Crucial points in next tweets One of the most significant ones to Hamas leader by the Saudi TV interviewer is why Hamas expects Arab countries to back them up when Hamas hadn’t consulted them before carrying out an operation akin to declaration of war.

‘You didn’t consult even fellow Palestinians.’
Oct 19, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Two crucial points. Al Faisal isn’t an official, but you can think of this speech as the *clearest* indicator of the Saudi leadership’s thinking beyond the generic official remarks. Thus: Saudi is messaging that the Gaza war must NOT end the Saudi-Israeli normalization talks 1/2 Second, and despite the growing conventional wisdom about this, I never believed even for a second that the latest round of the conflict has sabotaged the Saudi-Israeli normalization talks.

They’ll be resumed, albeit in greater secrecy than for a while until progress is made.
Nov 30, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
ISIS announces its leader Abu al-Hassan Al-Qurashi has been killed in action, and declares Abu al-Hussain al-Hussaini al-Qurashi as its new leader.

[Important to note that this is quite possibly a fake announcement. See next tweets] Scenario 1 is that the ISIS leader was killed "accidentally" during a raid or fighting without him being known to whoever killed him (the US, Iraqis, Kurds) so those did not know they killed the leader.

That'd be unprecedented, but possible.

Another scenario is this is fake:
May 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
#important Our institute has released a significant and legally-reviewed report detailing evidence of how Russia is inciting genocide in Ukraine. Tremendous work in @NewlinesInst - coverage of the report in @nytimes here .@CNN has an exclusive story on this landmark report.

Leading experts accuse Russia of inciting genocide in Ukraine and intending to 'destroy' Ukrainian people | CNN

Mar 10, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Gonna summarize the new release by the Islamic State (ISIS) about the killing of its leader and the appointment of a new leader. The release is by its new leader Abu Omar al-Muhajir.

Follow this #thread The release, titled "Of them were some who passed away," reveals that both the leader Qardash and his spokesman Abu Hamza al-Qurashi (who died on February 3, in a US special forces raid in northern Syria). The group offers different details.
Mar 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Afghan businessman @BarakShoaib, once a symbol of everything the U.S. claimed to support during the war against the Taliban, pens a powerful essay on the U.S. sanctions, their immorality and the profound betrayal they symbolize | New Lines Magazine apple.news/Ax8qjKV4USW2GY… “Since the day the U.S. froze the reserves of Afghanistan’s Central Bank, I have had almost no access to the more than $3 million in my bank accounts. I probably never will again.” apple.news/Ax8qjKV4USW2GY…
Mar 2, 2022 22 tweets 9 min read
In an interview, former Qatari foreign minister on the Gulf states’ alliance with the U.S. versus Russia and China: the US is easier, as long you’re straight with them, not as difficult as others, and Russia/China are “dictatorships like us” via @YouTube The US told former Yemeni president Ali Abdallah Saleh about their intention to attack Iraq from the sea rather than from the nature continuous land near Kuwait, because they knew Saleh was leaking messages over to Saddam — former Qatari FM
Oct 7, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
One major flaw in jihadism/counterterrorism analysis is to compensate for knowledge of the human terrain by relying on (flawed) stats/numbers or statements on social media. We’ve seen that in Iraq and Syria, and we’re seeing it now in Afghanistan.

To give a quick example: Not a single Afghan talks about an expanding Islamic State there, for example. This is almost exclusively coming from non-Afghan observers, old or new. But let’s entertain this claim, which really relies on not reporting or in-field woek but on “stats”. Still, let’s see the stats
Apr 17, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Wow! For the first time, a video showing the ISIS leader defending his PhD thesis at the university of Mosul in 2007. This is the first time he’s seen in live footage, and the discussion in the video is quite astonishing in multiple levels. (H/t @NihadJariri)

1/ As detailed here, at that point he was part of al-Qaeda in Iraq (Islamic State of Iraq) and was just appointed the general sharii (judge) of the group. He would be jailed by the Americans at Camp Bucca a short while later.
Dec 21, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Today is the death anniversary of Dr Mohammed Shahrour, a Syrian intellectual known for his controversial views on Islam (radical but on the opposite spectrum of jihadism). He came up with a novel way of approaching the Quran, widely rejected by clerics but fascinating at times. To me, the most fascinating is that he came up with a method that's almost identical to Islamic radicals but in a way that pushes a liberal view of Islam, different from traditional & extremist views. A "literalist" view with modern applications.
Dec 18, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Even as it tries to do the right thing, @nytimes falls short. Who has a history of misrepresentation that the NYT has avoided specifying?

The Times said its investigation had “found a history of misrepresentations by Mr. Chaudhry”

nytimes.com/2020/12/18/bus… Really? After months of investigation, the paper found the interviewee is to blame? Apart from the rhetoric, it really merely walked back on its earlier decision to still use the podcast but edit it. Now it’s saying no, we’ll retract it, and everyone is supposed to applaud.
Dec 2, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Important: A breakthrough in the Gulf rift in the coming hours, sources tell Al Jazeera aja.me/b5k8f Kuwait is to issue a statement about a "breakthrough" in the Gulf rift, between Saudi Arabia & Qatar. The breakthrough will be a set of confidence-building measures before a full end of the crisis that began June 2017. Moves to resolve the Saudi-Qatari dispute started last fall.
Nov 6, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Doom & gloom within Arab regime circles about reports of a Biden win. They were hoping Trump would win.

Even if they don’t think Biden would actively be against them, they get how their detractors will have space & multiple advantages perhaps unprecedented in recent decades! In 2016, it was a whole different world: Arab dictators and their circles were simply intoxicated with their love of the incoming Trump presidency. They saw historic opportunities, and they were right to a certain degree but not entirely.
Oct 18, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
Two weeks before the anniversary of the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdad, ISIS is releasing a new statement from the media outlet specializing in top leadership releases.

The new leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi has not yet made a public statement: cgpolicy.org/articles/exclu… ISIS releases a statement by its spokesman Abu Hamza al-Qurashi titled "So recount the tales"
Sep 25, 2020 19 tweets 8 min read
Wow, super embarrassing! This story was the basis of a whole series produced by the NYT, the "award-winning" Caliphate.

The sad thing is: it's not the 1st time @rcallimachi falls into fake stories. This could be avoided by having someone able to vet sources & spot discrepancies Last October, she ran an article with claims that anybody who knows this subject would immediately dismiss as implausible. As we found out, it was based on faked documents supplied by dodgy sources.
Sep 17, 2020 17 tweets 5 min read
Contrary to what we know, the current leader of the Islamic State (ISIS) was born NOT in Tal Afar, but in a village near Mosul.

An Arab, not a Turkoman.

You heard it here first. - Iraq sources. Also the detail in my tweet below was going against the conventional wisdom of the Iraqi and the US intel about his ethnicity.

I based my conclusion on internal discussions within ISIS & my understanding of the tribal origins of this "Turkoman" tribe.
Sep 12, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
In ~5 years, and don’t hold any of this against me:

• Israel will have its 1st base in the Gulf
• Turkey will control a zone from northern Iraq to northern Syria
• Turkey will expand Libya presence
• Egypt & Sudan will form something along the lines of a “Nile Confederation” A military base in the Arab side of the Persian Gulf.
Aug 6, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
A groundbreaking detail buried deep in the lawsuit filed by former Saudi intelligence chief against the crown prince MBS in US courts:

MBS *encouraged* Vladmir Putin's military intervention in Syria in September 2015, which enraged then CIA chief John Brennan. Truly amazing, those meetings happened at least two months before Russia's September 2015 intervention in Syria. At the time the US acted surprised by Moscow's decision to deploy forces to Syria, while Riyadh was supposedly helping the Syrian opposition:

Jul 9, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
One thing I’ll always be proud of is that we provided Husham with the platform & resources to publish his work almost weekly. We had big plans, ideas for longterm projects & to publish more regularly. Others only used him for quotes, and ignored his published work. He had so much to produce, he truly deserved a whole team dedicated to his work. You can find his work here cgpolicy.org/articles/isis-…
Jun 29, 2020 24 tweets 6 min read
Details I obtained about the jihadist infighting in northwestern Syria, and about Ansar al-Islam's leadership and members (that ancient pre-ISIS Iraqi jihadi group.)

I checked with a few knowledgeable sources in Syria, about the general story I'm going to only sum up.

#thread All sides of this infighting have made claims & counter-claims, so I won't get to those -- there is a summary of that in this earlier thread, if you want to catch up:

More interesting details about what really triggered this & how things stand today:
Jun 25, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
Two very important statements issued by al-Qaeda and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in northern Syria. Both offer insights into the nature of the fighting between the two in the north, and a little about their "relationship".

Summary and commentary in this #thread. Starting with the latest, just now. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra) issues a response to al-Qaeda, denying they initiated the fighting against the formal franchise of al-Qaeda known as Hurras ad-Din.

HTS's statement is issued by Abu Abdullah al-Shami.