Rev. James “Major” Woodall, Sr. Profile picture
Atlanta Born | Riverdale Raised | Preacher. Public Policy. People. ❤️ #InInfiniteHope
Nov 13, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
As the trial in the murder of #AhmaudArbery continues to make its way through the media circus, I want to be sure we are lifting up healthy narratives around this case and amplify messages that promote justice, care and centers those most closest to the pain. 1) There can be no “justice” in this case, even if there is a conviction. Why?

- Ahmaud is dead.
- Former Brunswick DA Johnson and current Waycross DA Barnhill have NOT been held to account for their malpractice in conspiring with the McMichaels to justify Ahmaud’s murder.
Aug 7, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
The American political establishment uses the vulnerability of the people’s condition to market themselves into elite spaces of leadership in which they portray themselves working to “save” the country meanwhile only to do the exact opposite. Sure, there are amazing elected officials who genuinely work to improve the material condition of everyday people in this country. But the majority are simply apart of a political machine that continues to dictate a socioeconomic reality that benefits almost no one.
Apr 2, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
As someone who not only read every page of the bill and attended every hearing, as well as mentions very specific provisions that restricts access every time I talk about the legislation - this is deeply troubling. #GaPol Senate Bill 202 was originally a 2 page bill.

Republicans turned it into a 94-page bill literally overnight and never updated the websites for the public to follow the changes. Luckily, some of us were able to follow and testify. Many others were not.
Apr 2, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Though Jesus bar Abbas was also on trial, Jesus Christ was the one offered for state execution. After being handed over by Pilate, the soldiers would strip him of his clothes, mock, beat, spat and ultimately kill him publicly on Golgatha’s Hill. (Note: The Gospel of Matthew’s [NSRV] distinction between Jesus bar Abbas (son of the Father) and Jesus Christ (The Anointed) is easy to miss. The title Jesus [Yeshua] was OFTEN given to distinguish revolutionaries, or ‘Saviours,’ during various periods of biblical history.)
Apr 1, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Jesus and disciples gathered for the Last Supper. He raised a loaf of bread and cup of wine, gave thanks and shared it. In doing so, he affirmed the gift of humanity and announced forgiveness of sin, even for women and children that were present but not recognized in scripture. Jesus transitions to the Garden of Gethsemane where he tells Peter, James and John to “stay awake” as he goes up Mt. Sinai, to grieve, “even to death.” He wrestles with his calling, questions God’s presence and returns to find the disciples unable to keep watch in midnight hour.
Mar 31, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
In one of the most known stories in the Bible, Judas goes to the chief priests and agrees to ‘betray’ Jesus for ‘thirty pieces of silver.’ The gospels according to Mark and John go even further to say that ‘Satan enters into him. #GoodWednesday Judas in Greek means ‘praise’ yet is used in English synonymously with betrayal and treason. Some go further to describe “Judas” as people who use their proximity and privilege to benefit themselves rather than being a co-conspirator WITH Jesus.
Mar 31, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
As the disciples would inquire about “end of times,” Jesus pressed them to continue to lead in truth. Despite rumors of war, political conspiracy, false profits, leaders drunk w/ power, natural disaster and inevitable persecution in Jesus’ name, they were to “endure to the end.” The #OlivetDiscourse causes reflection over inevitability of death AND powerful yet fragile nature of human existence - simultaneously. To be called into divine service meant to be in total opposition to the world at large and to expect violent resistance to our very presence.
Mar 27, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
I continue to see people ask how the new Georgia law, hereafter referred to as SB202, is a “voter suppression bill.” Here’s how.. #GaPol

A THREAD 🧵🪡 Shortens the amount of time that an eligible voter can request an absentee ballot. It also pushes up the deadline for when a voter must return their absentee ballot as well.
Mar 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I recall a story in the Bible where Jesus enters the Garden of Gethsemane and asks Peter James and John to keep watch during the midnight hour while he wrestles in the spirit on the mountaintop.

The same is true for many of us on today. As we fight against the despair of darkness and the pain of persecution, know that you have been called to such a time as this. Keep watch, stay alert.
Mar 25, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
@Georgia_NAACP⁩ will use every legal option available to protect the right of all Georgians to vote. Despite this set back, we are motivated now more than ever.

We are not defeated - we’re just getting started.… This is not only an unfunded mandate on local counties but an egregious power grab by Republicans trying to maintain political power. Let the record reflect that rather than trust democracy, they corrupted it to appease conspiracy theorists.

Luckily, this isn’t over. #GaPol