Henry Davis, Jr. Profile picture
Curr: South Bend Councilmember Dist.2 || Serving since 2005 #Democrat #ElectedOfficial
eDo Profile picture Joyously Deplorable Profile picture 3 subscribed
Feb 9, 2020 13 tweets 6 min read
As a Councilman in #SouthBend, I know why @PeteButtigieg looked like a deer in headlights last night when talking about systemic racism in the South Bend Police. He tolerated it, he perpetuated it, and last night he lied to millions of Americans about it.
Feb 4, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
You can become POTUS by showing the tragedy of poor political leadership in a midsize town. #SouthBend is failing in every category that a city is judge on: Sub-par public schools
Low morale In public safety sector
High poverty
High crime
High murder rate
Poor job market
Diminishing tax base

And w/all of these issues you can still mount a campaign to become #POTUS. I guess you can become anything in #America.
Dec 2, 2019 13 tweets 8 min read
#Thread The list is long on the “things” #MayorPete didn’t know while mayor of #SouthBend. It would be an #SNL skit IF he wasn’t a front runner for POTUS
#SouthBend 2/ This is some of wat I knw: From the time I was a kindergarten student in #SBCSC— the district was & still is under a desegregation order 🤦🏾‍♂️