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Christ First! #LearnMMT #GoFins #HeatCulture #BlueSky
Aug 18, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
@MichaelTanuvasa As I'm #ADOS, here's my idea:
We need universal basic services for EVERYONE (job guarantee, housing for all, education for all, Medicare for all, etc.) first so that any gains to the oppressed aren't immediately swallowed up by the system. 1/ @MichaelTanuvasa Once that's out of the way, then you can actually REPAIR or MAKE AMENDS (the word reparations comes from repair) the damage done by this corrupt system to #ADOS . 2/
Dec 15, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
In these perilous times, people tend to forget that others are people as well. People that bleed, work, fight, love, raise families, etc. The thought that people outside your circle is making them the 'other' to you. When you do that, it's causes you to dehumanize them. Then you can justify people starving, homeless, wars, etc.
Sep 3, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
@Matt_R_Hope @AndrewYang Incorrect on all aspects @Matt_R_Hope @AndrewYang The already employed at less than the JG wage can tell corporations to bite them and join the JG
Mar 26, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm afraid I totally understand the establishment focus on the #muellerreport. It wasn't only meant to be a distraction: it served another insidious purpose. It kept us divided and from focusing on what's important. What's important is that the duopoly has way more control than it should. This sham of a report just allowed them to weaken the paid opposition: @TheDemocrats. After the midterms, the GOP (also the paid opposition) was feeling a little weak.
Mar 18, 2019 19 tweets 8 min read
@tonetalks and @BreakingBrown, I've read your points about a #BlackAgenda and to be honest, I disagree with money of the points. As an #ADOS myself, there's a lot to benefit personally and for my family. I do have issues with how you dismiss a general progressive agenda. I'm going to go step by step so there is no confusion or emnity. First, let me start by posting the link to the black agenda ados101.com/black-agenda. In the following tweets, I'm going to go step by step through them and how they relate to a progressive agenda in general
Jan 26, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm sure I mentioned this before but after reading an article about @SenSanders, it made me want to talk about this again, perhaps from a different focus. As much as we know policy means everything, it's often hard to connect with people using it. People are often emotionally driven. That means to connect with them, you have to make them feel something. This is where the battleground is. There's 2 strong emotions that drive people: fear and hope.
Jan 21, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
My MLK Day thread: don't believe the narrative the mainstream pushes about Dr King. He was much more than just a nonviolent protester with a dream He was committed to ending injustice, period. Not just for African Americans bit for all oppressed people here in the US and across the world.
Jan 19, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
My thoughts about Russiagate:

Donald Trump is a professional liar. He lies daily, often for no reason. However, I don't believe that he colluded with Putin and I'll explain why: Trump is all about making money. I do think he wanted to build a Trump tower in Russia. I do think he told people to cover this up. I do believe he paid off Stormy Daniels with campaign money.
Jan 11, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
A thread about moving the Overton Window:

The reason conservatives took control of government was through fear. Fear is the anticipation of negative consequences, activities, and thoughts. The opposite of fear is hope: anticipation of good actions, policies, and change.
Dec 16, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
Best plan for the @MiamiDolphins moving forward:

Find a new head of the organization on the football side

Give him the power to select all players and give him a mandate to find a true franchise QB. Let him interview Case. If Gase is willing to give up play calling duties, change DC, and give a new QB a change (rookie or FA), then Gase can stay (with no ability to pick players). Otherwise, Gase can go as well.