Hi, I'm Jake! I'm an indie gamedev making Scrabdackle.
185% funded on Kickstarter by 551 amazing humans! https://t.co/20R25eUpbb:gmail, https://t.co/S58nWmvht4
Aug 14, 2021 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
No idea how to respond to all the positive support. Thank you #indiedev. I'm really glad this has sparked more conversation, and to to see a lot of comments from devs saying they'll approach publisher contracts a lot more cautiously now.
Some questions/answers/thoughts ITT:
The most important takeaway for anyone seeing this as a one off is to look at all the other indies sharing "yeah, I've seen these kind of terms before." It is not one predatory company, it's an industry that leverages us taking the 'one bad apple' mentality. This IS the norm.
Aug 13, 2021 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
Hey #indiedev#gamedev, I turned down a pretty big publishing contract today for about half a million in total investment (I'm a solo dev). They genuinely wanted to work with me, but couldn't see what was exploitative about the terms. I'm not under an NDA, wanna talk about it? 👀
Note that though nothing legally stops me, I'm not going to be naming the publisher - just imagine any indie PC/console publisher. It's the industry that's failing devs, not any one company.
Apr 23, 2021 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
One year ago today, I left my last job. On Monday I start my first day as a full-time #indiedev. Threading some thoughts in reflection, and on the hardest choice I had to make to pursue my gamedev dream. Long.
Leaving my old job was one of the harder professional choices I've made. In a lot of ways, it was really REALLY great - engaging, great team, Toronto tech industry pay. I was doing business consulting, and was also formally taking over the internal operations team in May.