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Jan 28th 2023
#Comets, #Vedic Astronomy & Medini

Impact of upcoming #greencomet (Kethu) on earth atmosphere ( based on Brihat Samhita) after 50,000 years

According to Ancient seers research there are 22 types of comets originated from the earth atmosphere & they have different shapes,
sizes mostly in round in shape. having rays luminious like water or oil. Whenever they have appeared in the sky they gives arise famine, War, drought or sometime heavy Rainfall. Some of appearances gives only heavy rainfall & brings atmospheric changes on earth.
There are 3 comets those are originated from the moon , white in colour seen around northern horizon, whenever it appears brings heavy rainfall. Biggest comet as per ancient seers which has been located around somewhere western horizon having big glossy body stretched
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Jun 30th 2020
To mark #AsteroidDay, we’ve got a whole day of #asteroid content ready for you. Stay on board to learn how and why we study asteroids with spacecraft, and how we protect Earth from them colliding with us. We'll even look at #SpaceMining!
#AsteroidDay was founded by astrophysicist @DrBrianMay, Astronaut Rusty Schweickart Filmmaker @GrigRichters; and B612 President Danica Remy, to encourage the public and governments to learn more about asteroids and the role they play in our Solar System.
#AsteroidDay marks the anniversary of the largest asteroid impact in recorded history, Tunguska, 1908. Such impacts are part of the reason scientists study asteroids, working on resources to search for and deflect asteroids from Earth-crossing orbits.
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May 29th 2020
Bonus #science opportunity for #SolarOrbiter, which will cross through the tails of #Comet ATLAS in the next few days. The mission's 4 in-situ instruments will be switched on and collecting data during the encounter 👍 #weareallsolarorbiters

More details:…
The commissioning of #SolarOrbiter has been proceeding over the past three months to ensure the spacecraft and instruments will be fully functional for the 1st close pass of the #Sun, to take place on 15 June, around 77 million km from our parent star.
Meanwhile, @einionyn noticed that #SolarOrbiter would pass through the ion tail of Comet ATLAS on 31 May-1 June + through the dust tail on 6 June. Fortuitously, the 4 in-situ instruments that measure the conditions around the spacecraft are also great for studying #comet tails! Image
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