Jesse Burk-Rafel Profile picture
Hospitalist @nyugrossman | Alum @UW, @UCL, @umichmedicine | Tweets #MedEd, #FOAMed
Apr 24, 2020 9 tweets 11 min read
#COVID19 Clinical Trials Explorer 👉…

1050+ studies from 60+ countries. 530+ RCTs. 125+ classes of therapies. viz by Marina Marin via @tableaupublic #coronavirus

@EricTopol @angie_rasmussen @mlipsitch @florian_krammer @aetiology @neil_ferguson Image Filter by study type, country, or therapy by clicking that element. To revert, unclick or refresh the page. eg USA vs China snapshots here. Have fun!

@DhruvKhullar @cmyeaton @alexismadrigal @DrLaPook ImageImage
Apr 16, 2020 7 tweets 11 min read
#COVID19 clinical trials dashboard sneak peek. 620+ trials from 50+ countries. 290+ RCTs. 90+ drug classes. Viz by Marina Marin. #coronavirus @EricTopol @DrEricDing @VPrasadMDMPH @AbraarKaran @DrTomFrieden @HelenBranswell @NIHdirector /1 Here's a snapshot of #COVID19 randomized trials.
@DrChoueiri @Laurie_Garrett @alexismadrigal @DrDenaGrayson @ashishkjha @cmyeaton /2
Apr 6, 2020 15 tweets 8 min read
Updated summary of all current #COVID19 clinical trials. Incredibly, 102 trials were posted last week! #coronavirus #SARSCoV2 /1 Image China, USA, Italy, France leading, but this is a global effort. I'm inspired by the unprecedented pace of this scientific inquiry. @V2019N @DrEricDing @mlipsitch @neil_ferguson @TDivala @SusanDavisNY /2