Jon Alexander Profile picture
Author CITIZENS: Why the Key to Fixing Everything is All of Us. activist / strategist/ citizen / co-founder @NewCitProj / advisor @DemocracyNext
Jul 19, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
“To give no trust is to get no trust”

Want to know how the Taiwanese government drew on ancient wisdom to increase trust levels from below 10% in 2015 to nearly 70% this year?

TLDR: they chose actively to trust - and therefore INVOLVE - the Taiwanese people.

🧵 At the heart of the story is @audreyt, whom I hosted in London this week.

Her deep understanding of trust has been at the heart of Taiwan’s whole approach to government, as a Cabinet Minister from 2016. Audrey Tang and Jon Alexander stand together smiling, holding copies of each other’s books (titled Plurality and Citizens)
May 15, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read
NEW from us @NewCitProj

With big questions piling up and trust in decline, we reckon we need a framework for making big decisions WITH people, not FOR them

We call it RAPID Democracy…

Read on for an intro 🧵 or check out the full report
Image Here’s a v quick overview - it’s basically about separating out a democratic decision into phases - so you can then figure out HOW to invite WHOM to participate in each

The idea is to make the most of all the different tools and approaches Image
Mar 6, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read

Circular Power Politics: A Politician's Guide To Five Opportunities To Lead With And For The People

Very excited to put this out into the world today - the key output of a year of work with @OmezzineKel @lisamwitter @ApoliticalFound

Link and summary in 🧵 Cover page of new Apolitical Foundation report "Circular Power Politics" Why did we do the work? (1)

Because existing "linear" politics - where people vote for politicians then leave them to it - isn't working for ANYONE

People are feeling left out, and the good politicians we do still have are coming under unsustainable pressure

BUT... Image of linear political systems where citizen elect politicians who then go and do democracy for them
Mar 23, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
Today - on a day when we arguably couldn't be any more in need of a different vision for how UK politics could be - THIS is launching

It matters for UK nature, but it might be even more significant for UK politics

Here's a bit of the back story 🧵 Around the time I finished writing the first edition of CITIZENS, @reenwilson and I were presented with an opportunity by @HelenMeech, a friend and former @NewCitProj colleague now working for @Natures_Voice...
Oct 3, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
This is the central dynamic of our times, and it must be broken

Here's how it works, and how to break it 🧵 Diagram showing a reinforcing vicious cycle between two thin We talk a LOT about people not trusting institutions (politics, business, even NGOs/nonprofits)

But we don't talk enough about INSTITUTIONS NOT TRUSTING PEOPLE

And they don't

The implicit assumption is people are selfish and lazy, so institutions need to do stuff FOR us
Sep 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
What if we Brits responded to our ridiculous government not (just) with anger, but by stepping into a much deeper, richer way of doing democracy?

Oh look… 👀 The big UK nature NGOs are coming together to crowdsource a “People’s Plan For Nature” - starting by gathering stories and ideas from all over the country and then using a randomly selected citizens’ assembly to digest all that, hear from experts, and produce recommendations
Sep 30, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I think @ColombeCS @Venzon_Andrea are going to be high up my “favourite new friends of 2022” list

Here’s their 5 points on how to build a movement from @ForumAthens

And keep a close eye on @atlasparty

✊🔥 Image 1. WITH not FOR 🤝

“You want to build a movement? You do it WITH people. Say it again. WITH. You don’t do it then take it to them. That’s uncomfortable - but essential.”
Sep 20, 2022 24 tweets 24 min read
A 🧵 for those piling in on me as a result of this reply to @mrjamesob

TLDR: we are a decent people, one awful govt away from power and possibility, but if ALL we do is lament their awfulness, we are on a fast track to fascism First thing to say is I’m to a large extent a fan.

I believe in accountability.

But I also believe it’s at best not enough.

We need to build the future we want, in spite of this govt - not just watch them destroy us.

No one is coming to save us.
Aug 4, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
🚨 NEW with @arianesconrad via @BBC_Future

Too many people - esp our leaders - believe there are only two possible futures: Orwellian authoritarianism or reheated consumerism

But there is a third: the Citizen future

Where everyone has a role to play… This is not a moral argument; it’s empirical

Across the world and in every sector we’re seeing that the best strategy for success in this time is to get everyone on the pitch

To tap into the ideas, energy and resources of everyone
Jul 3, 2022 21 tweets 10 min read
On Thursday I was at #FutureOfBritain conf hosted by @InstituteGC @BritainProject @mylifemysay

The pitch was ideas for a new politics, and there was some good stuff

But I came away deeply worried, by a SERIOUS lack of respect for our nation’s biggest asset

Its people

🧵 It started well, with a powerful challenge from @cloverhogan

“Voting is too often a choice between a climate denier and a serial procrastinator”

Feb 27, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
What if the West were to learn from Zelenskyy, and start fighting in a way that treats us all as participants?

What might we do?

5 poorly thought through but illustrative ideas… 1) What if von der Leyen or Stoltenberg made a film addressing the Russian people directly, just as Zelenskyy did, making an offer of friendship and addressing Putin’s misinformation as fellow citizens of the world?
Feb 26, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"I come today with an appeal to all citizens of Russia. Not as President. I am appealing to the citizens of Russia as a citizen of Ukraine."

This is a war like no other in history. Power is shifting. It is coming to us.

"The people."

See also
(HT @xdamman)
Dec 6, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read


I've been working on this for ages, and I'm very excited to share

It's full of the stories that have inspired and amazed me, and tools to help you do what they did

Oh and a foreword by ACTUAL BRIAN ENO… The core idea at the heart of the book is this:

We're living in a moment in time when the dominant story of society - the Consumer Story - is collapsing, and threatens to take us with it

But there is another truth: the Citizen Story is rising
Sep 25, 2020 20 tweets 10 min read
🚨New Report🚨

Winning For Britain: Rebuilding @LibDems to change the course of our country

By me & @LiberalPatriot_ for @soclibforum

Unless BOTH Labour AND Lib Dems win big and start NOW, Conservatives will rule the 2020s

It's time to step up… TL;DR?

There's a punchy summary in this @Independent piece

But the thread below is really good 😁…
Aug 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
We @NewCitProj always prefer talking about questions than visions

A vision is a kind of answer, so there’s only one

A question can have many answers

More creative in that sense... Suggested structure

How can we

Together with X (people we want to be participants with us)

Achieve Y (outcome/impact we want to have)?
Jul 30, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm voting @EdwardJDavey as the Leader @LibDems need now

Why? Because he is...

✅ a champion of community power
✅ excellent in the Commons
✅ unrivalled in green creds
✅ bulletproof on coalition
✅ rebuilding the party already

Thread 👇 Let's start with community power.

Cummings is centralising to all hell. This is the most fundamentally dangerous aspect of this government.

At our best, putting power in people's hands is what Lib Dems are all about.

Ed gets this

👇 (this is really good)
Jul 17, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
4 tasks for @LibDems via @LiberalPatriot_ @soclibforum

His points, my reflections

First, CORE PURPOSE: "offering a progressive non-socialist alternative to Conservatives which puts interests of citizens at its heart"

Citizen-led politics - YES - not just "centre left"

1/4 Second, "overhaul its organisational and campaigning CAPABILITIES"

NB the Party Election Review didn't properly analyse social media, while @LabourTogether drew heavily on @Londonstani @DatapraxisEU et al to show them how elections are fought now

Jun 13, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Five weeks ago, when Johnson changed the message from "Stay Home" to "Stay Alert", I wrote that he was trying to shift the story from Subject to Consumer

Over 600000 people read this piece

Today's headlines show how right I was… Image Yesterday my @TEDxCardiff went live

I describe how after 9/11 Bush, Blair, Giuliani told us to "Go shopping" - and how that held us back in a story that was dying even then

I set out the shift from Subject to Consumer to Citizen as the work of our time…
Jun 9, 2020 10 tweets 6 min read
In our new @NewCitProj piece, we zoom in on Local Government


Because it's right at the heart of the crucible we're in

If #localgov can lean into the Citizen story, it could create the space for all of us

Intro THREAD below

Full post:… This has been hugely inspired by lots of people and orgs - to name but a few...

@SimonFParker @OJGarling @Notwestminster @kirkdemocracy @jj_mclaughlin @NLGNthinktank @LocalTrust @demsoc @mySociety @clairemansfield @_LiberalPatriot @ewgjones @IndigenousKnow @involveUK and and and
Jun 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
You know how pretty much every city in the world is restricting roads, making walking/cycling easier, increase air quality, fight climate emergency?

I've just heard @7oaksTories want to leave 2 main roads thru Sevenoaks town centre alone and... wait for it... LIMIT PEDESTRIANS In case anyone thought @Conservatives were only out of their depth when it came to NATIONAL government

You literally couldn't make this up

Here's the map Image
Jun 4, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Can't believe I hadn't come across this profound work by @simonjduffy before

"#Citizenship reminds us that we can each live a good life, in our own way, while also living together with mutual respect."

Intro on link, more highlights in THREAD below… Three implications of being a Citizen:


❤️Being EQUAL in fundamental worth and dignity

❤️Being DIFFERENT: we "have many different gifts which [we] bring together to build a better world"

And then the 7 keys to Citizenship...