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Offshore Wind for CIP/COP, Wholesale Power Mkts, RE Procurements & Supply Chain, Energy Regulatory Policy | IR Enthusiast | Peakbagger | Dog Dad | Nauheimer
Oct 25, 2019 14 tweets 2 min read
1/ Pure generation CAPEX for US v. UK projects much closer than prices suggest, but higher due to transatlantic shipment costs, Jones Act vessel requirements, necessary investments in port infrastructure, and local content requirements, FOREX exposure-most components priced in € 2/ Transmission and interconnection costs are significantly higher in US due to underdeveloped points of interconnection in coastal areas, projects bare full interconnection costs including network upgrade costs, which can range from 20mUSD-200mUSD
Sep 19, 2018 16 tweets 5 min read
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection has released the public redacted bids submitted under its 12 TWh/year Zero Carbon Energy RFP. Going to sift through them today and provide some highlights. #procurement #cleanenergy #offshorewind #nuclear #hydro #solar 1/ Background: On July 31, 2018, DEEP issued the final RFP for Zero Carbon Energy, soliciting proposals for up to 12 TWh/year of qualified zero carbon energy and associated environmental attributes. Proposals were due September 14.…