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Official Twitter for Autism: The International Journal of Research & Practice. Editor-in-chief @SueReviews Tweets @CJCrompton Publisher @SAGE_News
Jun 23, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
New paper (by @DrAmyPearson @KieranRose7 @Jon_C_Rees) explores the impact of IPV on autistic adults

“I felt I deserved it because I was Autistic”: Understanding the Impact of Interpersonal Victimisation in the Lives of Autistic People

🧵by @DrAmyPearson… Autistic adults are more likely to experience IPV, and this may explain high rates of PTSD. We wanted to explore the impact that this has on them, what the barriers to help-seeking are, and what we can do to improve support. We used Frosts process model of stigma as a framework.
Apr 12, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
New research from @DrAimeeGrant @sara_wyn_jones @KatWilliams123 @AutisticUK @DrSchniff @Prof_AmyBrown, who reviewed Autistic people's experiences of infant feeding (breast- and formula- feeding) including healthcare support

🧵by @DrAimeeGrant… (1/11) #Breastfeeding is encouraged because of known health benefits, but it is not easy and many parents experience challenges.

Due to differences in how Autistic people experience pain and bodily sensations, we thought that they may find breastfeeding harder. (2/11)
Nov 29, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
A new study by @A_Groenman, @CTorenvliet, @TulsiARadhoe, @JoostAgelinkvR & @dutcharc shows that autistic adults are differently affected by menopause.

“Menstruation and Menopause in autistic adults: Periods of importance?” thread by @A_Groenman… For a long time autism was seen as a male condition. This has caused a paucity of knowledge on women, and little is known about menstruation and menopause, even though some smaller and qualitative studies show autistic people have increased difficulties surrounding these events.
Jun 8, 2021 9 tweets 21 min read
New co-produced study defines #AutisticBurnout through experts with lived experience of #autistic burnout syndrome. Research by @JulianneHiggi16 @drsamarnold @liz_pellicano @JanelleWeise @3DN_UNSW. @AutismCRC, @NationalAutism @Autism…

A thread. @JulianneHiggi16 @drsamarnold @liz_pellicano @JanelleWeise @3DN_UNSW @AutismCRC @NationalAutism @Autism @JulianneHiggi16, late-diagnosed autistic peer-researcher with experience of burnout with @drsamarnold noted that #autisticburnout was discussed in social media but not in academic literature. The @3DN_UNSW @liz_pellicano team brainstormed survey, Delphi or interview approaches.
Jun 7, 2021 10 tweets 10 min read
Newly published research by Emeline Han from @CRAE_IOE, @MelisaMJTan, @LauraMayCrane, and @legidoquigley exploring autism services and supports in Singapore from the perspectives of service providers, autistic adults, and caregivers.…

A thread [1/9] @CRAE_IOE @MelisaMJTan @LauraMayCrane @legidoquigley As very little research has been conducted on autism services and supports in Singapore, this qualitative study aimed to explore the topic to guide future studies and service improvements. [2/9]