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Sharing messages telepathically received by my mother Judith from Pleiadian soul family of 7D Taygeta to prepare Earth for the Shift #GalacticFederation
Calliope Profile picture Twitter author Profile picture BlancheandKateDesign Profile picture Sue Ferg Profile picture KerryActivism Profile picture 597 subscribed
Dec 21, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
To understand the ET situation on Earth, as well as many other disclosure topics, you must start with the basics.

Why are we here?
We're Souls having a human experience by choice.

Human bodies were created for the purpose of soul incarnation (body by Elohim, Soul by God-Source) What is the reason for suffering and struggle?

Why do athletes use weights? Resistance builds strength.

We are in a duality matrix of free will choices. It's a school for soul learning, not a prison. Individual free will tests were planned for the greatest benefit of humanity.
Jun 10, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
I've been sharing info from our Pleiadian Family for over 5 years, made possible through direct telepathic contact with my mother. We never asked for this. We weren't even interested in this kind of information when contact began. This was our Soul Plan. We consistently share what Pleiadians want us to know so that we can 'save' ourselves, through understanding the power that we already have.

Each person can only understand to the limits of their current level of consciousness, so messages we share don't make sense to everyone.
Sep 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
'Mysterious shaking rattles north Phoenix homes'

1. #NEIOH This is one example that is surfacing for people to know and understand. We have been very open about Vortexes and our thousands of areas of Crystal placement around the planet and in oceans.  azfamily.com/news/mysteriou… 2. We have known this would cause many that do not understand they cannot reach or touch our placement, to dig tunnels, blast mountains, place cameras and enter the ocean. Not one Crystal can be found. This is by design and Technology.
Jul 6, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read

1. I'm not the first to say it, but the "Richat Structure" is the lost city of Atlantis.

The first king of Mauritania was Atlas. In myth, Atlas is Father of the 7 Pleiadian Sisters.

Before The Flood, there was open contact, and Pleiadians were visiting and assisting. 2. #NEIOH: In very Ancient Civilizations in this area, there were very friendly Tribes that were open to many Beings from Multiple Galaxies. There had been no brainwashing and many humans were always open and welcoming to our visits as well as others. Image
Dec 26, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Friends!

Indeed You Are Waiting For The Boomerang To Return! Do Not Be Concerned With The Timing Of The Return, But Know It Most Certainly Will! 2. When The Energy Is Set In Motion To Hurt And Destroy, Speak Your Truth, But Allow The Momentum To Take Control And Watch As Those In Power Fall In Their Own Trap! Is It Necessary That You See This When It Happens? No Indeed!
Jul 10, 2020 14 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Friends!

May You Be Well And At Great Peace!

Find Unity Amongst The Masses Of Humanity And Find The Sacred One Within!

In This Moment I Will Speak To You Concerning The Majesty Of Mountains! 2. Why Would I Sing The Praises Of Something So Natural That You Are Accustomed To Viewing In All Places As You Move About Planet Earth?

These Sacred And Mysterious Mountains Are Conscious Beings,
Apr 11, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read

1. Precious Souls!

I Love You So, Because I Love The Soul That You Are!

A Soul Has No Name Or Gender While In Non-Physical;

No Preferences For Politics Or Looks, No Vanity Or Jealousy;

Is In No Competition And Knows Itself To Be Infinite! 2. The Soul Has Complete Knowing And Understanding Of Its True God Self.

The Soul Has Complete Knowing Of Its Sacred Creation And Origin.

Eternally Connected And Yet Given The Power Of The Absolute To Live As A Being With A Body.
Mar 3, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Friends Of Earth!

As You Look Upward At Any Sky Area,

You Might Perceive Blue Sky, White Clouds Or Rain.

With The Eyes You Were Born To Maneuver Your Body Form,

You Might Actually Believe You Are Seeing All That Is There! 2. Beloved Friends!  You Are Seeing What Has Been Programmed For You Upon Arrival!

With The Innermost True Self, You See What Is There In Multidimensional Perception!
Feb 23, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Friends!

You Might Have Noticed That In Your Life Story,

There Are Beings Who Seem To Manifest Their Light,

And Yet Some Of Them Seem To Be Attacked, Have Hardships And Loss More Than Those Who Clearly By Perception Are Doing Deeds Of Darkness! 2. You Have Heard Stories Of Other Lifetimes, Of Avatars, Of Messiahs, Of Beings Of Service, Who Have Suffered Unjustly Under The Hands Of Corruption!

Innocent Ones Raped And Murdered And Words Of Love Being Torn Down!

What Is This About? How Do You Make Sense Of This?
Feb 22, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Friends!

In This Blessed State Of Being That You Always Are;

Pay Forward All The Love To Others That Is Possible!

For Love Produces More Love And There Is Never Lack! 2. You Are Here For A Moment!

A Breath Of Divinity!

To Those That Have Not Realized Their Purpose,

Just Being Here And Awakening To Higher Self Is A Great Purpose!
Feb 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
"And in a video posted online just a few days before last night's attack in the town of Hanau, Rathjen rants about underground military bases in America where he claims Satan worship and child abuse takes place"

dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8… Excerpt from the video:

"If you don’t believe the following you better wake up quick. In your country exists so-called Deep Underground Military Bases. In some of them they praise the Devil himself. They abuse, torture, and kill little children."
Feb 20, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
1. Phoenix Lights

The biggest craft sighting in modern times. At least 600 witnesses came forward, but tens of thousands many have actually witnessed it.

In March 97, people were still looking up at Hale Bopp comet, still one of the brightest objects in the night sky. 2. This was a perfect opportunity for a mass sighting.

It wasn't just one craft that was seen that night, but many different sightings happening across Arizona at once.
Feb 19, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Friends Of Earth!

In These Sacred Moments, We Remind You That You Are Indeed Creating The Story Of You!

Your Life Experience Is Determined By Chosen Perception! 2. Everyone Is On A Journey And Can Only Perceive From Their Current Level Of Awareness!

Breathe Deeply Now!

As All Experience Is Recognized As Self Determined, A Fascinating Complexity Of Levels Within Will Emerge As Knowingness!
Feb 17, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read

1. Friends Of Earth!

In These Moments We Share,

Be Reminded Of Your Sacred Perfection!

Allow Your Being To Manifest Goodness And Practice Compassion! 2. For All That Will Come To The Balancing Of Energy Which You Call Karma,

Is Not For You To Celebrate In Another's Downfall, 

But Rather Be At Peace, Knowing There Will Always Be A Boomerang!
Feb 16, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Ones Of My Heart!

Most Of Those Awakening Or Awakened,

Fully Understand That You Are Living A Waking Dream!

The True Self You May Experience At Any Moment You Choose,

Is Awareness. 

The Source Of All. 2. Awareness Is Truth Without Judgement As The Ego False Self Continually Finds Division.

Awareness Needs No Eyes Or Ears;

For Awareness Is Everything!

Awareness Is Complete And What You Long For As You Struggle To Know All!
Feb 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read

1. Beloved Ones!

Rest In The Moment Of Now!

Observe The Story And Remember It Is One Of Millions That Are Ever In Your Akashic Records! 2. Awakening Is Knowing You Are Not Your Story And Are Living A False Identity For A Purpose!

Ascension Is The Moment You Leave The Ego Story Behind And Rise With Life To Higher Densities;
Feb 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Ones!

We Stand With You On The Edge Of Timelessness!

For These Moments Are Ticking And The Best Is Yet To Come! 2. Many Do Not Know Of Telepathy And Multidimensional Operations;

Yet We Have Always Communicated With Humans In Every Life Story,

As Well As Joining And Sharing Lives As Incarnated Pleiadians!
Feb 12, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Friends!

We Speak To You In Love And Power!

As Light Surrounds The Planet And Universes Surrounding You;

Take A Moment To Say 'Thank You, God, For Life And For Providing All With The Sacred Life Force That Sustains Each Being And All Living Matter!'

We Bow! 2. It Is In The Highest Interest Of All Of You Who Stand On The Brink Of The Interdimensional Shift,

To Come To Terms With The Power In You And Know You Are The Creator Of Your Story!
Feb 11, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
👀 Tucker on Mayor Pete: "It's possible that A.I. is now so sophisticated that we're looking at our first robotic presidential candidate... not to be a conspiracy nut"

Tucker dropped a few interesting crumbs there.

"Now comes the conspiracy label." ~Q
foxnews.com/media/tucker-c… via Neioh, Pete Buttigieg is a clone.

Dems are so frantic about POTUS that they made a clone to fill with information thinking this would impress voters. It will backfire like all of their schemes.

Tucker is dropping hints like Rudy, Scavino, Nunes, Hannity, Pirro. They know.
Feb 10, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read

1. Friends Of Earth!

Such Change Is Happening Above And Beneath Your Current Awareness!

For Those Interested In The Game Of Politics, Hold On To Your Seat! 2. Remember It Is Meaningless In The Etheric Realm,

But Rather Fascinating To Watch The Puppets And Masters Fold And Be Put Away!

On A Massive Scale, The World Is Awakening To Divine Purpose!
Feb 9, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read

1. Beloved Ones Of My Heart!

We Are One Heart And I Speak Through This Sacredness For All.

I Am Here To Remind You That You Are Love!

There Is Never A Moment Where You Are Not Complete! 2. Restoration And A New Burst Of Hope,

Comes Through Your Life Force As You Change Perception To Love!

The Darkness In Others May Cause Division But You Are Whole Unto Yourself!