Not my business page but I post Art sometimes. happy wife, mom, feminist, humanist, activist, artist.
Sep 5, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
🧵The more I learn about child slave labor trafficking through boarding schools like Agape, the more I understand why this is being ignored by our Republican government officials. — This is their model. 1) Take away funds from public schools 2) Incentivize funding private
2/ schools. 3) Drive out “rebel” (good) teachers 4) Stack school boards 5) Lower qualifications for teachers 6) ramp up “safety” measures - arm teachers, police, military presence 7) limit curriculum, remove “un-Christian” books, lesson plans 8) Normalize physical punishment
Sep 4, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
This #agape story is taking me down a rabbit hole. I snagged some clips from this interview with a former “student” and a PI. Here, the host explains the overall mission. Sound familiar? #slavery#ChristianNationalism
Oh, this is a THREAD. In the next clip, they theorize the end game. They’re guess is less sinister than mine. This was a yr ago. After seeing the effort to defund public schools and Christofascist takeover attempts, I see a bigger mission. Also discussed: moving state to state.