Lorand Kis Profile picture
pathologist; molpat, IHC, no favorite organ (yet); tweets are not medical advices, cases for educational purpose only
Padma Priya J Profile picture Kannan Sivaraj Profile picture 2 subscribed
Nov 13, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
1/This is very basic but might be useful at a certain point...so the basic question is how do you check quickly for the prevalence of a mutation in your favorite cancer type...my question was: How often do we find NRAS mutation in malignant melanoma?
#pathology #molpath 2/ The question comes from an article on 14 melanoma cases that were found to be S100 and Sox10 negative. The authors found that the overall frequency of NRAS mutations in this small cohort was 36%. So as a first step I go to the cbioportal.org homepage
Apr 16, 2019 30 tweets 9 min read
A mini case: sections from the wall of the gallbladder with the following histology...spot diagnosis 🎯
Questions in the thread...
#pathology #IHCpath Q1: How do you interpret the p53 IHC stain? (hint: if you say "positive" then I failed as a teacher 😀😱)
Q2: In what other instances do you perform a p53 IHC?