@krudell@mastodon.online Profile picture
Professional writer. Also amateur. He/him.
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Jul 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A friend of mine got a show picked up by Netflix. There was no money in his budget for a writing staff. “I don’t want to write every script myself,” he said. “I’ve done a lot of tv. Other voices make the show better.”

“Oh yeah, totally,” said Netflix. “Here’s what you’ll do: 🧵 “Instead of hiring a staff, just pick some writers and tell them you’re giving them a script. They’ll come in to help break the story and outline-”

“But they’re not on staff.”

“They’re getting a script fee. Developing the script is now part of that.”

“It is?”

“It is.”
Jun 3, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Quick 🧵 about free work, which is a WGA issue with studios but *also* with our reps. Here’s a very typical example: my (former) agents once asked me to meet with a performer who was attached to a studio reboot of a high profile show. He needed to partner with a showrunner. “It’s basically already sold,” my agents assured me. “A few weeks to develop it, then take it out. Apple and Netflix are already asking for it.”
May 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Those of us who have been doing this a while have a hundred reasons why the WGA had no choice but to strike. Here’s (another) one of mine: #WGAStrong Image How’d we know we’d go over schedule? Bc the streamer wanted a show with low budget New Media rates, so our producing partner/studio built a production calendar that was ridiculously short (so offices could be vacated/staff cut to make the #’s work). It was a Potemkin schedule.
Jan 22, 2020 16 tweets 5 min read
Reporting that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia personally hacked the phone of Jeff Bezos is terrifying; MBS is a murderer who has also imprisoned and tortured human rights activists, including @LoujainHathloul. But it gets scarier. 1/ theguardian.com/technology/202… It means MBS almost certainly owns the Trump family, via desperate failson Jared Kushner.

Quick context: 2/
Oct 16, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read

- Donald J. Trump (mixed media, 2019) DO YOU THINK THEY LIKE ME?
Oct 12, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
Re: the news that @GavinNewsom signed a bill to phase out private prisons and privately-run immigration detention facilities in California... a friend of mine did six months in a minimum security private prison years ago. Quick (interesting!) thread: sfchronicle.com/politics/artic… When my friend was driven from court to the minimum security prison he was sentenced to, the car detoured to the (private) high security facility next to it. He was told there was a problem with his paperwork. He was placed in solitary confinement and asked if he wanted a Bible.
Oct 7, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
I’m tired of non-Fox TV anchors getting praise for politely pushing back against @GOP propaganda. It’s not “getting tough” with @Jim_Jordan to let him monologue bullshit for 30 seconds then say, “Um, you didn’t answer me.” THAT’S NOT WHY HE’S THERE. 1/ He just wants a platform to spread disinformation. That’s it. There’s no good faith dialogue from him or @GOPLeader or @RonJohnsonWI. Calling them out for regurgitating talking points? THEY DON’T CARE. They got them out; the points are, in some way, legitimized. 2/
Oct 4, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
What we're seeing in @realDonaldTrump is the same guy he's always been, but (for the first time in his life) with a brand that's hard to destroy: the United States. 1/ Because he wrecked the Trump™️ brand in the 1980s and 90s. Slapped it on everything and failed every time. I mean, really, who thought a steak endorsed by Trump added value? He stiffed vendors and suppliers and sued them if they demanded what he owed. 2/
Sep 24, 2019 13 tweets 4 min read
Play this out: the @HouseDemocrats seem to (finally) be moving to impeachment. The Manhattan DA subpoenaed 8 years of his taxes. And based on his #UNGA speech, he's cognitively impaired. What if Trump just makes a break for a Trump Tower bunker? Boom. We sort of have Die Hard. First he'd text Ivanka to join him. She'd pretend to have missed it ("Was at the gym! XX") and try to blend in at Sant Ambroeus. She'd text Don Jr. and Eric ("Uch I'm sure u heard from Daddy too"), who would say "Oh yeah, definitely," then check their phones, then sob a little.
Sep 6, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
It's annoying when "Hollywood celebrities" like Kristy Swanson, Dean Cain, Kevin Sorbo, Nick Searcy, or whoever "come out" as Conservative and then whine about how difficult it is for them.

First of all, I have to look them up and be, like, "Oh, right. Basic cable Hercules." But here's the thing: the "intolerance" that they feel is, um, bullshit. Supporting Donald Trump isn't conservative. He's objectively an unstable, venal, racist liar who should be in the middle of an impeachment investigation. He's hurting our economy, military, and environment.
Aug 11, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
Watched Footloose for the first time last night. I have some thoughts.

THREAD: 1984 was a big year for US gymnastics. Still, there’s...a lot of gymnastics.
“Hey new guy, you wanna go to the gym and hang out? Get to know each other?”
“Sure, Chris Penn. You can watch my horizontal bar routine.”
“Or we could shoot hoops?”
“Spot me!”
Aug 4, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
.@DanCrenshawTX Have you denounced white supremacist terrorism today? If not, why not? #ElPaso .@senatemajldr Have you denounced white supremacist terrorism today? If not, why not? #ElPaso
Jul 31, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
In January, I wrote a thread about meeting @LoujainHathloul and Fahad Albutairi. Since then, I've been involved in advocating for Loujain's release from prison, where she has been held and tortured for over a year and where, today, she spends her 30th birthday... #FreeLoujain The failure of the US government to push for the release of Loujain and other human rights' activists (or for the punishment of those responsible for the murder of @JKhashoggi) is one of many stains left on the world by the Trump administration.
Jul 25, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
.@maggieNYT This is such a disingenuous, performatively self-pitying stance to take. Of COURSE you dictate what people should care about. You’re still the nation’s premier newspaper, and column inches are limited. You choose what stories get oxygen, and how they’re framed. Last July, when you wrote that Jared and Ivanka were “ready to make a more visible push for their projects,” were you reporting real news? Or were you dictating what people should care about? (In that case, an image-repairing narrative for two sources?) nytimes.com/2018/07/28/us/…
Jul 21, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
My “virtual polygraph” lives in Canada. You can’t meet it, but it’s totally real and I fuck it all the time. There are really nice, smart, polite people who follow me and I feel like they’re going to question that now.
Jul 16, 2019 8 tweets 5 min read
Tonight is the premiere of #HumanDiscoveries on @FacebookWatch. First three episodes drop at 9pm EST/6pm PST, then a new one every Tuesday until September. I hope you’ll give it a shot. It’s funny! And it has without a doubt one of the best casts on TV... refinery29.com/amp/en-us/2019… I mean, come on: @ZacEfron, @AnnaKendrick47, @LamorneMorris, @jillianbell, @paulscheer, @edbegleyjr, @LisaKudrow, @SamRichardson, and @JAdomian – plus an insane group of guest stars.

That’s pretty good, right?
Jul 14, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
*Chris Rock voice*

“NOW I’M NOT SAYING JOHN WILKES-BOOTH WAS RIGHT. I’M NOT SAYING HE SHOULD’VE DONE IT... BUT I UNDERSTAND.” Obviously I *don’t* understand what it’s like to be an American citizen of color who is told to go back to their country by a racist. But the rage I feel towards @realDonaldTrump and his enablers in the @GOP is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.
Jul 2, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
“President of the United States?! No...no, no. I’m voting for the President of Matt. If no one checks all my individual boxes for what’s best for me, I’ll sit it out. This is good citizenship.” It’s funny how outraged and self-righteous @mattklewis gets about the Democratic primary. He got his start with racist-for-cash @TuckerCarlson and did grassroots recruiting for conservativism. What’s his “individual” stake in our “tribe”? Why would he think his opinion matters?
Jul 2, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
This is what I’m talking about, Matt. Take a deep breath. Think. Then write something useful. This “there’s two stories so how will anyone be won over?” pose is so...impotent. You know how people will be won over? When journalists call a lie a lie; when both “stories” aren’t given the same oxygen. Otherwise you’re just fanning propaganda from your keyboard.
Jun 22, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
The ⁦@GOP⁩ says elections have consequences, then start civil wars when they lose. Republicans in Oregon have run away from work and taken protection from domestic terrorists. ⁦⁦@BrianBoquistGOP⁩ threatened cops lawfully sent to retrieve him washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/… Meanwhile, popular vote loser Trump is ruling by decree. A #BlueWave in November has seen its legislation blocked by @senatemajldr. @GOP losers in state legislatures gutted gubernatorial power on their way out...

And @JoeBiden and @SenSchumer still mewl about “working together.”
Jun 16, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
This is a quick thread that you should skip if you just want to enjoy #FathersDay 1/ An old friend of mine, a writer I used to work with, was driving with her husband and their two kids last week. They were hit by a drunk driver with a suspended license. My friend and her husband were seriously injured; their kids were killed. 2/