Leonard Otuonye Ugbajah Profile picture
ED, Centre for Trade & Bus. Env. Advocacy (CTBA) Res. Rep. (Nigeria), CUTS International #competitionconsumerprotection #trade #investmentclimate #regulation
May 13, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
Today, in the light of the lynching in Sokoto, and the various comments from different divides, let me return to this thread I did recently. /1 Let me address some of my 'intellectual' friends who like to argue that this kind of incident is a result of the failure of the state to treat crime as crime. /2
May 11, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
This thread is so true and also applies to the Nigerian elite. Extremely few are truly refined. They are products of a chaotic and dysfunctional society - just think of the state of our public university system in the past few decades! /1 That is what has produced most of the people in leadership today! The dysfunction we see today is a reflection of our socialisation. The ascendancy of 'anyhowness' in public affairs is a reflection of the 'anyhowness' in our minds. /2
Nov 22, 2020 56 tweets 8 min read
So, I decided to write again today, I focused on "The proposed 5% reduction in the levy for imported cars: a crash reflection on trade policy and the governance problem in Nigeria." I bring it to you in a THREAD /1 During the week, the Government of Nigerian announced the approval of the Finance Bill 2020, which among other things provides for... /2
Nov 13, 2020 18 tweets 10 min read
Nigeria's Federal Executive Council (FEC) on Wed. approved the ratification of the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area ("AfCFTA Agreement"). This thread examines some legal issues around ratification of international agreements in Nigeria./1 #AfCFTA Under the Nigerian legal system, ratification is an executive act. It does not require the approval of the National Assembly. /2 #AfCFTA #Nigeria
Nov 12, 2020 15 tweets 7 min read
The many challenges facing the business environment, especially the indiscriminate taxes and levies imposed by the various levels of government in Nigeria can be explained in one way: /1 #easeofdoingbusiness We have too many people who have not run any successful business running this country. They only understand plunder (rent seeking). It is the same SARS mentality. "Let us collect from the persons who seem to have more than we do" /2 #easeofdoingbusiness