Efthymios Kalafatis Profile picture
Data Scientist, Patent owner of Artificial Intelligence-assisted methodology for Medical Discovery. Tweets are mine/not medical advice or endorsements.
Crystal Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 12 8 tweets 4 min read
1/ After reading posts related to #MECFS24 working group meeting, I saw that some speakers shared slides attempting to look at a bigger picture. First, a tweet by @JanetDafoe shows the following slide by Chris Armstrong. Image 2/ I do not know if Chris wants to hypothesize with this slide that Gulf War Illness , #MECFS , Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome and #LongCOVID are actually the same syndrome. If true, could other syndromes belong to this bigger picture?
Jul 24 9 tweets 4 min read
1/ This is a major -and hopefully exciting- update on the use of #AI and #networkanalysis methods to research #MECFS. As new research was becoming available, it was sent to the #AI framework in order to identify most promising research targets. Here are the results : 2/ The #AI framework suggests that we look into sulfation, disulfide bonds, cysteine metabolism and cysteine residues. Some of these concepts have been identified but given the latest research, the confidence for their relevance has increased even more.
Jul 18 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ This is a thread on the latest study by @microbeminded2 @resiapretorius . The study (see attached) identified issues of complement activation, endothelium function and downregulation of the coagulation system : et.al
Image 2/ In the study we find a table that lists a number of proteins that were found to be significantly different from healthy controls. Among them we find a Vitamin K-related protein named "Protein S" ,Lactotransferrin (Lactoferrin) and Thrombospondin-1 Image
Jul 3 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Thread related to the latest paper (preprint) by Li et. al and the use of LOLA for amelioration of #MECFS and #LongCOVID symptoms. This work may have identified a greater issue (hypothesis) which will be discussed here and have also been communicated to authors of the study. Image 2/ Among others, the paper identified low levels of asparagine. From the wikipedia entry of asparagine we read that it is essential for proper N-Linked glycosylation (shown below) Image
Sep 19, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ After seeing a tweet by @Naomi_D_Harvey, about N-Acetylglucosamine (NAG) ,I would like to post a thread : The role of N-Linked glycosylation (which I mentioned briefly to @BhupeshPrusty in Berlin recently) , ER Stress and NAG. All links will be given at the end of this thread Image 2/ I begin with what has been written about the subject : Below we see a tweet I posted (2017) where N-Linked Glycosylation is mentioned. If we follow the link we read about the importance of N-Linked glycosylation and endoplasmic reticulum stress (right)
Jul 25, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ We now look at the 4th hypothesis named "Could vascular damage caused by massive
inflammatory events underlie a relapse/recovery
phenotype of ME/CFS and Long COVID?" from @JeffLubell_C19 which can be found in the @patientled patient-generated hypotheses. 2/ The hypothesis suggests that a relapse/recovery pattern takes place among #MECFS and #LongCOVID patients and also discusses associations of hypermobile #EhlersDanlos, chiari malformation,tethered cord syndrome and mast cell activation with these syndromes.
Jul 10, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
1/ This is a 🧵 for being in remission from #MECFS since 2015. Below, is the email I sent to selected #MECFS researchers (Dec. 2015) which I would like to provide as evidence, as this hypothesis is unpublished (Some parts omitted including recipients and specific regimen steps). 2/ The email discussed a hypothesis that for #MECFS and other syndromes (shown in red rectangle) a common factor is liver injury. Observe also mentions on oxidative stress (cc : @cstroeckw) and a "vicious cycle" being at play...
Jun 3, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵 On connective tissue (CT) disorders, #MECFS & #LongCOVID. I came across recent tweets by @ahandvanish and @Be_Kinderr related to a dutch study that found CT abnormalities in LC patients. 2/ Searching for "connective tissue" using an information retrieval system I got the following ranked results : Observe that "mast cells" are highly ranked. Note that MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) is being frequently mentioned among LC & ME patients
Apr 7, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ @VirusesImmunity, some thoughts for a "Liver Injury hypothesis" that i hope you and other researchers will look at for #MECFS and #LongCOVID. After watching your interview, i used an #InformationRetrieval (IE) system built specifically... 2/...for the purpose of researching #MECFS and -now- #LongCOVID. You mention -among other topics- low cortisol, reduced fatty acid oxidation, mitochondrial dysfunction, GPCRs,CCL11, traumatic brain injury. These topics were entered to the IE system..
Dec 30, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
1/ This is a thread on the application of various analytical methods to findings from @resiapretorius related to microclots in #LongCOVID patients to help find potentially interesting associations. Tagging also @ahandvanish @maosbot @doctorasadkhan 2/ An information extraction system was used to identify most related medical topics to the latest work by @resiapretorius (see snapshot). The query used is shown in red, results are shown in a blue rectangle. Some -hopefully- interesting observations follow :
Apr 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
(1/4) #MECFS is a multi-systemic disease where we are trying to put the pieces of a huge puzzle together. In the Network Analysis shown below Lysine plays a central role. Dr Ron Davis found high Lysine levels in #PwME. (2/4) Next step is to try and find why this is so. There are a number of concepts (nodes) next to Lysine. Some of them are expected to be there. Others (such as Osteopontin) may not be expected or known to a researcher. We many then find using the associations shown above...