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Jan 6th 2023
2 years ago today, Trump sent a.mob of violent armed insurrectionist to the Capitol to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election. 12 of the 20 #MAGAextremists who are #NeverKevinMcCarthy stood with the twice impeached seditionist & lied about the 2020 election. #January6th
These shameless Republicans said that the election had been stolen or rigged — or that Donald Trump was the rightful winner — even though Joe Biden earned seven million more votes and 74 more electors thanTrump.… #VoteThemOut #MAGAextremists #ChaosCaucus
Nearly all of the lawmakers who voted against Mr. McCarthy made statements casting doubt on the 2020 election, often repeatedly, not unlike the overall Republican caucus. At least 180 of 222 House Republicans have questioned the 2020 election, according to The Times’s analysis.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
Researching candidates for #Election2022 with a simple strategy: I won't vote for anyone who has cashed a dime of Big Pharma donations and/or ignored pleas for help from the #VaccineInjured like my elected officials @RepJoeNeguse, Sen @MichaelBennet, and @GovofCO. #VoteThemOut 🧵
I lean left on some issues and right on others so I've always been independent. I'm a one-issue voter now, and Democrats have by and large been hypocritical & abysmal in acknowledging #VaccineInjuries, censoring us instead. My elected officials in #Colorado have left me for dead. Image
That doesn't mean I'm voting straight Republican either. Just because one party sucks doesn't mean the other is the right answer. They BOTH often put special interests before the best interests of the people. Do your research.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 10th 2022
Fannie Lou Hamer "Kept President Johnson Up at Night” — @queenie4rmnola

Want to know why?
"President Lyndon B. Johnson was terrified of her, terrified of her appeal she would make in 1964 before the Democratic National Committee’s credentials panel on behalf of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (Brown, 2020)."
"White moderates will often proclaim that they support Black people and respect them, but that change is too risky, inappropriate, and unconventional. As a credit to her generation, Mrs. Hamer refused to buckle under the weight of oppression or others’ apathy — she persisted."
Read 4 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
Many people trying to read this explosive article of Doug Ford in bed with Russians, creating a back channel to bypass US sanctions, are getting a 502 error. So I’ll attach screenshots from @Kelans27. PLEASE AMPLIFY! #VoteFordOutJune2 #OntarioVotes #ONpoli #cdnpoli #PCcorruption Image
Read 10 tweets
May 14th 2022
“Justice Roberts has said that the Supreme Court can self regulate. That’s simply not true. We’ve got one sitting Justice whose wife has been shown to have been planning the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6.”
@MondaireJones @RepMondaire @KatiePhang
“Justice Clarence Thomas [at AEI 5/13/22] bemoaned the leak of the SCOTUS opinion that will likely overturn Roe v Wade, [claiming] that when you lose trust in an institution, it changes that institution fundamentally.”
@KatiePhang @katiephangshow #RoeVWade
“Out of 75+ scholar citations, only 4 are women. Out of 90+ judge/justice citations, 5 are women. ‘Justice’ Samuel Alito cites HIMSELF 6 times. And this [SCOTUS opinion] would effectively govern the bodies of millions.”
Read 310 tweets
May 1st 2022
“We now have the evidence to support a story of the worst presidential political crime against the union in American history.” Jamie Raskin

@RepRaskin @January6thCmte @jamie_raskin #January6th
Laurence Tribe describes what “is being bandied about as the technique that they hope to use if they get Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and Alito and Thomas on board… to take the next election regardless of who wins.”

@tribelaw @JoyAnnReid @thereidout #TheReidOut
“In America, you have the right to seek the truth and speak the truth, even if it makes people in power uncomfortable… If Russian journalists [had such freedom] would they use it in the same way? Ask yourself that question every day.”
@Trevornoah #WHCD

Read 323 tweets
Feb 19th 2022
An Albanese Labor Government will be on your side, but they need our help to win the next election. I have donated to fund their campaign, WILL YOU? Australia simply cannot afford another term of a Morrison led government. No effective action on global heating, death of the GBR,
2. more frequent and far more dangerous bushfires leading to death & property damage, more frequent and violent hail & rain storms as a consequence of rising av global temps. Extinction of more species i.e the koala, parrots, frogs etc due to fire, flood and over development.
3. Austerity measures that will hurt those least able to afford it (Pensioners, the disabled & the unemployed) more cuts to Medicare & hospitals and the list goes on.
#auspoll #ScottythePsycho #COVID19 #ScottyMustGo #VoteThemOut #LNPCorruptionParty #LNPAreTheSecurityRisk #auspol
Read 3 tweets
Feb 5th 2022
“President* Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election… Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.”

@Mike_Pence (on Feb 4, 2022) #LegitimatePoliticalDiscourse?
“If I run and if I win we will treat those people from January 6 fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly.”
Donald Trump dangling pardons for insurrectionists, 1/29/22

“Lincoln said those who embrace sedition and turn backs on the Constitution threaten to ‘destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for all time — to both future Americans and the world — that a government of the people could not survive.’”@tribelaw
Read 351 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
In 2021, many parents fought hard to return school to normal. We were vilified and bullied. If any parent dared to speak out, we were shut out of school board meetings. We were called teacher-haters, child-killers, anti-vaxxers, even domestic terrorists. 1/🧵
We were attacked by anti-racist groups - because apparently wanting a normal life and in-person school for our children is something that only white-privileged racists would dare say. We fought the good fight. Went to battle. 2/
We were told 2 weeks to slow the spread. After that, many of our kids didn't see the inside of a classroom again for over a year. Then finally schools opened - but with restrictions and rules. 3/
Read 16 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
“727 insurrectionists arrested… Who else should be jailed for this unsuccessful coup?” @colbertlateshow

“The threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills. Debate them, vote… If that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster.” @JoeBiden
“Our democracy has been declining over the last 5 years. In fact, right after January 6 of last year, our country was classified as an anocracy… The most important thing is for citizens to be aware of the dangers of democratic decline.”
@bfwalter @AC360
Read 349 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
“[President* Trump] was in the dining room, gleefully watching on his TV as he often did — ‘look at all of the people fighting for me’ — hitting rewind, watching it again…”
former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham to CNN

“We must decide what kind of nation we [will] be. Are we going to be a nation that accepts political violence as a norm? Are we going to be a nation where we allow partisan election officials to overturn the legally expressed will of the people?” @JoeBiden
“727 insurrectionists arrested… Who else should be jailed for this unsuccessful coup?” @colbertlateshow

Read 349 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
"We've seen a lot in these last 4.5 years of Donald Trump and nothing, in my experience, was more serious than this attempt to overthrow a lawful election, corrupting and weaponizing the Department of Justice. Absolutely horrifying."
@SenBlumenthal @maddow
"The very purpose of this law is to chill people. Not just abortion providers in Texas, but to chill the entire community of people who want to help women right now into second guessing whether they’ll be on the hook."
Dahlia Lithwick @maddow #WHPA #Bounty
“What I believe is unprecedented is for a member of House leadership of either party to be unable to condemn incitement of violence against a member of this body… What is so hard about saying that this is wrong?”
@AOC House speech, November 17, 2021

Read 298 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
The following thread contains the names, faces, & districts of each Congressman who betrayed their oath to the Constitution & incited an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on 1/6.

Never forget their names & faces. We MUST hold them accountable.

#VoteThemOut Image
Rep. Rick Allen represents Georgia’s 12th Congressional District.

On Jan. 6, 2021, he attempted to throw out the votes of millions of African Americans in an effort to overturn the presidential election.

He betrayed his oath and must be held accountable.

#GOPSeditiousTraitors Image
Rep. Jodey Arrington represents Texas’ 19th Congressional District.

On Jan. 6, 2021, he attempted to throw out the votes of millions of African Americans in an effort to overturn the presidential election.

He betrayed his oath & must be held accountable.

#GOPSeditiousTraitors Image
Read 143 tweets
Jun 25th 2021
“What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution? …What is wrong with having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?”
Joint Chiefs Chair General Mark Milley
“Guaranteeing the right to vote and ensuring every vote is counted has always been the most patriotic thing we can do… John Lewis said, ‘Freedom is not a state; it is an act.’ …We WILL act… For our democracy, for America itself, we MUST act.” @JoeBiden
Tom Brady: “Not a lot of people think that we could have won. And in fact I think about 40% of the people still don't think we won.”

President Biden: “I understand that.

Read 227 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
In PA the state senators quietly targeted at least 3 small counties, all of which Trump had won handily. Their proposal was to have a private co scrutinize the county’s ballots, for free a move outside the official processes used for election challenges
Only one county is known to have agreed to the senators’ request: rural Fulton County, on the Maryland border, where Trump performed better than anywhere else in the state, winning nearly 86 percent of the roughly 8,000 votes cast.
On Dec. 31, in the quiet of the winter holiday, county officials allowed a West Chester, Pa., company called #WakeTSI to spend an afternoon recounting about 1,000 mail-in ballots and taking data from county voting machines.
Read 20 tweets
Apr 14th 2021
#Thread about #Korea #Vote #VoteThemOut #SEOUL :

South Korea's voters miss President Moon Jae In a memorandum
The victory of conservative candidates in the mayoral elections in the country's two largest cities is a blow to Moon's Democratic Party.
The local elections could have an impact on foreign policy.

Mayoral elections in South Korea's capital Seoul always have national significance.

by @NZZAusland…
The ruling Democratic Party of President Moon Jae In not only lost Seoul to a candidate from the conservative opposition, but also the second largest city, Busan.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
I have never been more hopeful about the future of Idaho than now, when @GovernorLittle, and two former Idaho House Speakers - @CongMikeSimpson and Bruce Newcomb are willing to call out Idaho Republican legislators for legislative mischief and nonsense that will only hurt
Idahoans in the end. All these legislators who are sponsoring bills to end the emergency declaration are taking actions to slow down vaccinations for all @AARPIdaho seniors who have been patiently waiting for their opportunity to get vaccinated while they watch people half their
age being vaccinated and they stay locked up at home. Now, just as it is seniors’ turn, Republican legislators want to make a totally symbolic statement and take a reckless action that will just mean Idaho seniors get to wait longer for vaccine. And, to add, apparently this group
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Nov 4th 2020




Who's up for the learning?👇👇

@dmuthuk @shl
@SahilBloom @FinKrypt @FinMedium @Sanjay__Bakshi @DividendGrowth @vedantm_ Image


Considers China a "foe" and "adversary". Trump's attitude towards the Chinese government may help India if things turn sour between New Delhi and Beijing

#USAElections2020 #USElection #TrumpIsALaughingStock #TrumpCollapse @GabbbarSingh Image

Considers China to only be a fierce competitor. and strives to bring down unnecessary tension between the governments

#Biden #Biden2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #Michigan
Read 18 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
I want you to recall that feeling of going to bed in disbelief on Nov 8, 2016 & then waking up Nov 9, 2016 with that sick feeling in your gut.

Now ask yourselves what you would’ve done differently those days Before 11/8/2016—

What are you doing now?

Remember your worst days of outrage as Trump & his enablers obliterated rule of law & decimated our democracy the past 4 years.

The hashtags #VoteBlue & #VoteThemOut are literally life or death for you & anyone you care about.

What would’ve you done those days before 11/8/2016?
Yesterday, I phonebanked for PA & FL.
This morning for TX & this afternoon for MI.
Tomorrow for NC.

I Hate talking on the phone—but this election is too important.

3 links to sign up to phonebank



Read 7 tweets
Oct 30th 2020
News has reached the front. There are new #SecondCivilWarLetters. The final battle is on and victory against President Trump’s “War on Intelligence” is near. Read on.

General Biden:

President Trump has run out of corners to round in his “War on intelligence”. The fires of contagion have encircled his wagon full of lies and there appears to be no escape. He lost the battle of COVID without even trying to win. Surrender!

General Harris:

President Trump’s “War on Intelligence” is nearing it’s end. It appears that both the President’s Secret Healthcare Plan and his cargo of bombshell revelations were both lost in the mail. They have run out of ammunition. Victory is near

Read 10 tweets
Oct 29th 2020
You could say that a lot of what people do here, sharing news & political opinions to an audience of like-minded folks, is “preaching to the choir.” But in a country where 100 million people generally don’t vote, I see it as giving half the choir motivation to sing. #VoteThemOut
Someone asked me recently, when I praised @iamjohnoliver, “does it really matter, when everyone watching agrees?” And it really does. There is absolutely no reason to invest a second in trying to change a Trumper’s mind. There’s every reason to get the good people angry + engaged
This goes back to why the centrist Dems frustrate people so much: Stop trying to change the minds of swing voters! Start getting your own base excited! You have a majority waiting in the wings who just want to know that you’re there for THEM, not some racist in an Ohio diner.
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Oct 27th 2020
Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups, including this, 👇 were actively attacking communities around the US in 2017 already. It is critical to see them in context: Trump and the Kremlin back them up. A short thread. 👇
September 24, 2017. A group of about thirty neo-Nazis in white polo shirts, khaki pants and white bandannas covering their faces assembled in front of the community center, with a banner “For Race and Nation; Blood and Soil,” they gave Nazi salutes, lit flares.
Patriot Front, the group behind the attack, shares a rambling document called a “manifesto” on its website. “An African may have lived, worked, and even been classed as a citizen in America for centuries, yet he is not American." More here:…
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Oct 11th 2020
Emperor Has No Clothes Dept: The NYTimes has stripped Trump to the bone. He is a brokeass clawback criming bullshitting grifter who used the position of President to enrich and elevate himself and his family while ignoring the actual job of running the country. #VoteThemOut
His administration involved cronies sent in to kneecap intel and judicial process and allow a pack of desperate sycophant losers to work side hustles. Most didn't work. The results of this devastation, dysfunction and incompetence will take years to…
Trump is not even campaigning anymore. The Wall, China, military, economy, education etc etc. He is left running against Hillary's emails. The 46 items he focused on in 2017 were all PR stunts or badly executed policy. Yeah Trump was bullshitting America.…
Read 10 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
unprecedented numbers of americans have poured into the streets for months now, in the midst of a pandemic, to demand a reckoning with white supremacy once and for all. Black Lives Matter and it is time for americans to stand up now.
heed the lesson of the 2016 election: this is not a shoe-in. we will need to vote in such massive numbers as to overwhelm massive corruption. not only must we #votethemout, we must vote in enough people to pass the breathe act, a bill that invests in a new vision of public safety
we’ve got to vote in people all the way down the ballot who will enact meaningful policy change which rises to this historic moment and heeds the call of the american people for justice.
Read 13 tweets

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