Louise O'Boyle Profile picture
Artist . . Maker . . Associate Dean (Academic Quality & Student Experience) Faculty of AHSS, Ulster University . . . views my own https://t.co/iX3MXm8osZ
Jul 18, 2019 22 tweets 55 min read
1. Welcome to the 1st presentation of today’s #HCTwitterConf19 #NoPressure I'm @louoboyle & I'm asking WHY SHOULD I BOTHER? Provoking & reflecting on why #MakingConnections is increasingly crucial to all facets of our practices, thinking & futures within & beyond HE @HumCommons @humcommons 2. #SetTheScene #WorkLife
To-do lists can seem to get ever longer & the timescales to complete even shorter. Mindful that #Wellbeing #SelfCare are always priority, why spend time engaging with communities like @HumCommons online?