magzine Profile picture
magzine is a project of the School of Journalism at Catholic University. We cover local, national and international stories.
Apr 7, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
“Falcone e Borsellino”. Il racconto di @LirioAbbate a trent’anni dalle stragi mafiose che hanno ucciso i due magistrati e i loro agenti di scorta. Un percorso coinvolgente fatto di immagini e testimonianze.
#IJF22 @journalismfest “Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino avevano capito tante cose, a partire dai legami tra politica, economia e mafia. Venivano però ostacolati dai giornali, non era infatti facile al tempo raccontare la mafia”.
#IJF22 @journalismfest
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
“Stirpe e vergogna” è il titolo di questo incontro e il titolo del libro di #MichelaMarzano. La scrittrice racconta il suo passato familiare e la dura scoperta di suo nonno fascista. Un intreccio tra passato intimo e storia dell’Italia. @BarbaraGSerra accompagna l’evento. #IJF22 “Quando i nodi vengono al pettine: rispetto alla prima generazione, che non ha potuto o non ha voluto fare i conti con la realtà, la terza generazione può riuscire a districare i nodi”. #MichelaMarzano
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
“2011-2021: gli undici anni che (non) hanno cambiato l’#Egitto”. Undici anni fa migliaia di persone sono scese in strada per chiedere cambiamento in Egitto. Cos’è successo in questo periodo? @lacappon @alaskaHQ @francescacaferr e in collegamento video @patrickzaki1 #ijf22 Image “Patrick è diventato #pop per vari fattori: per la prontezza dell’Università di Bologna, la conseguente mobilitazione e per la sua indole. Nonostante fosse in carcere Patrick usciva fuori”. @lacappon #ijf22
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Now at the "Google News Initiative: new tools and techniques for journalist" event streaming of the @journalismfest with @CScottVideo.
#JFI22 Image I più importanti strumenti che @Google fornisce ai giornalisti: Google Fact Check; Google DataSet Search and Google Trends. Explore it. @journalismfest
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
"Why 2022 should be the year of impact in journalism", a panel about how to measure the impact of journalism on audience. Speakers: @ShirishMM, @LauraOliver, @Tom_El_Rumi, @Farawarner

#ijf22 Image @ShirishMM @LauraOliver @Tom_El_Rumi @Farawarner “Informing people is having a impact on them. We all want make the world a better place" states @ShirishMM about journalism biggest goal

Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
#girlsgang: donne, innovazione e giornalismo con @Hackette7, Prune Antoine, @tabeszyk, @cjimenezcruz e @VonElisa
#ijf22 Image "Most of the positions in the world of information are occupied by men, but in the last period the presence of women in important journalistic projects and newsrooms is increasing" explains Prune Antoine.
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Sergio Ramazzotti e @FritzSchaap all'Auditorium San Francesco al Prato parlano delle "Guerre infinite"
#IJF22 Sergio Ramazzotti:"Let's start with a number:59. The number of ongoing conflicts all over the world. At least one in three countries is facing war today".
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
"Come trasformare un pubblico passivo in una comunità viva", con due delle realtà giornalistiche di maggior successo in Europa: @richardhoechner di @RepublikMagazin e @LeaKorsgaard di @ZetlandMagasin #ijf22 "20 years ago, the audience was just an abstract category. Now, readers are the actual reason we're here together: in fact, our stories have different similarities" @LeaKorsgaard #ijf22
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Come si può coinvolgere il pubblico al di là delle divisioni? Ne parlano @pfaigle, @NinaFasciaux @HannaIsrael @ekasriel.
#ijf22 "Ascoltiamo davvero? E quando ascoltiamo, cosa sentiamo e cosa sente la persona con cui parliamo?"
@ekasriel #ijf22
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
In the post pandemic world, is a physical newsroom worth fighting for? @NewsEdJane #MaikeJungjohann #NicNewman #AngelaPiacenza Organised in association with @Reuters “Remote working has been good for the E’s: Efficiency and Employee well-being but less good for the 3C’s: Creativity, Communication and Collaboration” #NicNewman #ijf22
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Covering Putin’s war
Everything changed after the invasion in Ukraine. What are the consequences of this conflict for journalism and how to keep attention in Russia and beyond?
@peterpomerantsev examine the situation @JaneLytv : “Each country has its own perception of how the role of journalists is changing. This also helps to understand what is happening with a political perspective”.
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
“Border games: rotte, muri e frontiere in Europa”, un incontro per parlare delle migliaia di persone respinte riportando minacce, intimidazioni, violenza e umiliazione.
Con Edoardo Albinati, @fdaloja, @pastom e @CarlottaSami.

#Ijf22 @journalismfest @fdaloja: “Siamo bombardati da notizie, immagini e parole. C’è un’overdose di talk show dove si parla senza andare in profondità. È difficile costruirsi un senso critico, e i confini sono un tema importante da approfondire”.
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Futureproofing your newsroom for the metaverse, a panel about immersive storytelling experimentation. With @laurahertzfeld, @lakitalki, @tseymat and @zillahwatson

#ijf22 @laurahertzfeld @lakitalki @tseymat @zillahwatson “There was a tendency to people to focus on war report in virtual reality” @zillahwatson said. Then the focus of virtual reality in journalism field shifted on more entertaining contents, such as travels.

Apr 7, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
“From zero to 500: building a global #JournalismMatters movement”

Madhav Chinnappa @natalieturvey @CherilynIreton @kathyenglish @journalismfest #ijf22 Natalie Turvey: “We’re launching the 5th editions of the #worldnewsday which is gonna take place the 28th September 2022”.

@natalieturvey @journalismfest #ijf22
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
@dasmaran @CynaraKV @henrikgrunnet1 explain if it is possible to talk about sex and violence through a constructive lens. #Violence #Gendergap #ViolenceAgainstWomen #IJF22 @dasmaran : "It is important to stand up in a conservative country like Indonesia to make women feel empowered and to make them understand that they can navigate the whole world" #empowerment #womenpower
Apr 7, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
"Il potere della collaborazione: #Febrayer, la rete dei media arabi indipendenti", ovvero coalizzarsi per farsi strada in difficili contesti politici come quello della religione araba. @Linaattalah #KaramNachar @haladroubi #MichaelJensen @forfreemedia #ijf22 "We've always tried to engage our society using classic journalism models, but also introducing new ones. We started not knowing where we would go, but we're still here, even if we had tough moments when we were alone" @Linaattalah #ijf22
Apr 7, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Afghanistan with an Afghan lens: the role of media under the Taliban.
explain how to tell the reality despite the Taliban rule
#ijf22 @bsarwary “The most painful period of my career was the return of the Taliban regime because they began to blame all the journalists who tried to tell the truth”.
Apr 7, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Le redazioni come devono affrontare il problema del razzismo istituzionalizzato nella società e come coprire le notizie per le minoranze? Il Nord America dopo l'omicidio di George Floyd. @neeeda @AshleyAlvarado #IJF22 "The typical Canadian reporter was 97 percent white. So if you look at the reverse, it means that black people are made up of three percent in Canadian newsrooms and women have only had one meeting in 20% of the cases."
Lo studio di @neeeda #IJF22
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
A che punto è il rapporto tra editori e piattaforme? Al @journalismfest ne parlano ora @emilybell, @gillesbruno, @roofjoke e @adfichter.
#ijf22 "We see now the control of distribution" @emilybell
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Molestie online SOS: Arlo Holmes e @VilkViktorya ci spiegano come i giornalisti possono proteggersi dagli abusi online
#ijf22 "Online abuse is the repeated or severe targeting of an individual or group online through harmful behaviour" explains @VilkViktorya
Apr 7, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
New revenues, new freedoms: business model innovations from politically pressured contexts with @larayoub, @cecook, @aliaibrahim74, #IrynaVidanava

#ijf22 @larayoub @cecook @aliaibrahim74 “Native advertising can be adapted to be used to all types of media” says #IrynaVidanava. It is about creating relationship with your partners and audience
