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Most recents (22)

#Surrealism against the current – A film review on #IvanZulueta´s "Rapture" (#Arrebato)
Available @IMDb…

1.- If you want to explore the prehistory of modern Spanish art-house and counterculture landscape, you must follow the antecedents,...
2.- and will find many connections and influences behind names like Almodovar, Banderas, and other popular names of the Spanish "Movida" and associated film scene. You might start taking a quick look at Jaime Chavarri's "Mi querida señorita" and "El desencanto" to understand...
3.- some of the latent energies that exploded fast forward in a counterculture piece like "Rapture".

Zulueta studied graphic design in New York, at the prestigious Arts Students League in Manhattan Midtown, where in 1964 he discovered Warhol's Superstars at The Factory,...
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Kalau bosan terima WA dari orang random atau parno no WA mu dibajak berarti saatnya cari aplikasi pengganti. Simak ya |00
Rame perbincangan pembajakan wasap kru Narasi bbrp waktu lalu. Kalo diperhatikan, sekarang kontak Narasi memakai +1 sbg prefiks wasap nya alias nomer US/Canada. Lha kita gimana? |01
Sebagian besar chat/ messaging app pake no.hp sbg identifier saat mendaftar. Sebut saja wasap, telegram, signal, Line Viber. Jadi kalau no.hp 'terambil alih' hampir pasti chat app juga terambil |02
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L’elezione a presidente del Senato di @LaRussaFCIM sembra rispondere alla necessità di garantire a #Meloni un adeguato presidio della Camera numericamente più vulnerabile per la coalizione, segnalando contestualmente una rinnovata considerazione per le forze armate.
L'elezione a presidente della Camera di Lorenzo Fontana sembra rappresentare invece un investimento sul discorso pubblico. Si tratta cioè di usare quella postazione istituzionale per svolgere un ruolo simmetrico e opposto a quello che fu di #Boldrini.
Fontana come risposta al progressismo #liberal, nella misura in cui all’interno della #Lega rappresenta più di ogni altro la congiunzione con l’#altright statunitense.
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I listened to Haze just once yesterday & I cannot get it out of my head🎶

Not a bad song to get stuck in your noggin

#jpop #japanese #pop #popmusic #POP #music #musicvideo
that & then this tune usually starts up my writing sessions, they have a strong sound but are chill enough i can focus on my work

I usually end up listening to some sort of j-pop or video game music when I'm writing,

helps keep it fun but relatively non-distracting,
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“2011-2021: gli undici anni che (non) hanno cambiato l’#Egitto”. Undici anni fa migliaia di persone sono scese in strada per chiedere cambiamento in Egitto. Cos’è successo in questo periodo? @lacappon @alaskaHQ @francescacaferr e in collegamento video @patrickzaki1 #ijf22 Image
“Patrick è diventato #pop per vari fattori: per la prontezza dell’Università di Bologna, la conseguente mobilitazione e per la sua indole. Nonostante fosse in carcere Patrick usciva fuori”. @lacappon #ijf22
“In #Egitto ci sono più di 80 milioni di persone controllate dalla #censura e dal ricatto professionale. Sono convinta che molti di loro aspettano tempi migliori, e queste persone sono davvero tante”. @alaskaHQ #ijf22
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Sigue el ciclo temático #DiscosConArte para #TwitterCultural, con portadas de discos de #música creadas por grandes artistas.

¿Os suena esta portada? Seguro que sí: es "Dangerous", uno de los discos más famosos de Michael #Jackson. Hablemos de su arte y otros discos...

Empezaban los 90s y Michael #Jackson, que sabía de música, entendió que el #pop de "Thriller" y "Bad" se estaba pasando de moda, así que quería (necesitaba) renovarse: despidió al legendario Quincy #Jones y contrató a Teddy #Riley.

Y en el 91 salió "#Dangerous".

Sigue ⬇️
"Dangerous" fue un bombazo ecléctico, una evolución de Jackson y una obra maestra revolucionaria. Hay de todo en ese disco: rap, soul, funk, R&B, swing... y todo muy moderno.
Y respecto del arte, también quería algo nuevo, diferente, y contrató al artista Mark #Ryden.

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Good morning, friends! It might be snowing, but now reason we cannot deep dive into the history of policing. Join me at 9:30am, cst.

What event would you argue single-handedly changed policing as we know it today?

What would you add to the list? #CRJ201 #HistoryofPolicing
Good morning, it's Criminal Justice from the kitchen! Got the drive way cleared ... for now. Today we are going to examine some of the "Then & Now" aspects of American Policing. I hope you follow along...

Please let me first know a little about you, what is your interest in following along this morning?

#CRJ201 #HistoryofPolicing
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Good morning, friends! I'll be discussing The Role of Police in the Juvenile Justice System today at 1:30pm, cst.

What are some of the biggest challenges working with young offenders?

#CRJ107 #MoraineValley #RoleOfPoliceInJJS
Hi all, this afternoon we are going to look at the role of the police in the juvenile justice system, including some of the challenges policing juveniles.

#CRJ107 #MoraineValley #RoleOfPoliceInJJS
THINKING CHALLENGE: What are some of the biggest generational differences of today's youth?

#CRJ107 #MoraineValley #RoleOfPoliceInJJS
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Good morning, friends! Join me at 7pm, cst, this evening as I introduce a brief history of American Policing.

What event would you argue single-handedly changed policing as we know it today?

What would you add to the list? #CRJ201 #HistoryofPolicing
Hi all! Welcome to Criminal Justice from the home office, today we are going to examine some of the "Then & Now" aspects of American Policing. I hope you follow along...

Please let me first know a little about you, what is your interest in following along this evening?

#CRJ201 #HistoryofPolicing
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انسانیت کا روشن چہرہ

مجھے کچھ دیر پہلے میسج ملا جو درج ذیل ہے۔

"آیت اللہ سیستانی دام ظلہ نے حکم دیا ہے کہ داعش نے جن عیسائی لڑکیوں کو گرفتار کیا اور اب انہیں بیچ رہے ہیں اُن عیسائی لڑکیوں کو خرید کر عزت کے ساتھ ان کے والدین تک پہنچایا جائے
اس اعلان نے دنیائے مسیحیت کو حیرت میں ڈال دیا ہے اور آقائی سیستانی کا مقام اور عزت پوری دنیا میں بلند کردیا۔

عیسائیت کے سب سے بڑے پوپ عراق پہنچ رہے ہیں تاکہ وہ آیت اللہ سیستانی کے چھوٹے سے گھر میں اُن سے ملاقات کرسکیں اور عیسائی چرچ کے ذرائع کے مطابق
پوپ کا کسی کے گھر جا کر ملنے کا یہ پہلا واقعہ ہے۔ دنیائے شیعت کے عظیم مرجع کا ایک چھوٹا سا کرائے کا گھر دنیا کے بادشاہوں کے محلات پر بھاری ہوگیا محلات کے مالک پوپ سے ملنے رومن کیتھلک چرچ وییکن سٹی آتے ہیں اور وہی پوپ فرزندِ علی کے چھوٹے سے گھر میں ملنے آرہا ہے۔
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Maluma & @theweeknd - Hawai (Remix) Salió.

Qué significa esto? Es un junte lógico desde la visión de estrategia y el negocio musical. Te explico Por Qué + Mis Impresiones.

[Un Hilo]
#NegocioMusical #NegocioDeLaMúsica #LatinMarket #Reggeaton #POP #PopMusic #Maluma #TheWeeknd
Partamos de la idea que hay varias cosas sucediendo en estos momentos en el ámbito musical:

✅El Mercado Latino es el nuevo POP.
✅El Reggeaton se está volviendo OBLIGATORIO para los artistas POP Globales.
✅Maluma y TheWeeknd están buscando ser parte de la realeza POP.
✅El Mercado Latino es el nuevo POP - Si quieres ser un artista grande tienes que aceptar que tienes que entrar en el mercado latino con colaboraciones, remixes, apariciones en contenido latino de alguna forma.

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Die Verknüpfung Alexander Gerst und Kraftwerk im Setting der ISS war nicht zufällig und aber #Pop - systemstützender Pop. Die Musik von Kraftwerk und die Gruppe Kraftwerk, die Popstars, transportieren, um einen Ausdruck zu verwenden im reaktionär-retronostalgischen Sprechmilieu
von Kraftwerk selbst, transportier(t)en ein Technikfaszinosentum, das sich nur unter dem Druck der Realität kritisch-engagiert stylte ("Stop Radioaktivität"). Gerst und Kraftwerk live in concert 2018 bespielten, was seit Sputnik Mensch-Maschine und "Landnahme" im Kosmos sein
sollen. Vorgeführt haben beide, die Arbeitgeber mit 2 Angestellten, Ralf Hütter und Florian Schneider (Kraftwerk), und "Astro-Alex", was auf die technisch "erweiterten" Arbeiterinnen zukommt. Die Kopplung an Maschinen, die jene Erweiterung der psychokognitiven Skills steuern
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Sehenswert: #QAnon - Wie gefährlich kann eine #Verschwörungstheorie werden?

"Leider glaube ich nicht, dass die Sicherheitsbehörden die Bedrohung die von Q-Anon ausgeht auf dem Schirm haben", so der Experte @DittrichMiro

via @Frontal21
Dazu: Dazu: #XavierNaidoo und die #Verschwörungstheorien - Eine Chronik seit 1999.
Damit ebnet er den Weg für die antidemokratischen und häufig antisemitischen Einstellungen, die solchen Verschwörungen zugrunde liegen.
#Musik #Kultur #Pop #Deutschland…
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Lesenswert: In #Dortmund, #Rostock und #Mannheim gibt es bereits Widerstand, nun regt sich auch in #Berlin-Spandau Kritik an einem geplanten Konzert des Sängers #XavierNaidoo.
#Musik #Kultur
via @morgenpost…
Dazu: Die Fernsehsender #RTL und #ProSieben wollen mit #XavierNaidoo wegen dessen Faible für #Verschwörungstheorien nichts mehr zu tun haben. Für viele kamen der Rauswurf und die Distanzierung viel zu spät.
#Deutschland #Medien
via @Jungle_World…
Dazu: #XavierNaidoo - Das Ende eines Wahnwichtels? Seine Kolleginnen & Kollegen im #Kulturbetrieb halten sich mit Kritik derweil zurück, statt ihm die Grenzen aufzuzeigen.
#Kultur #Medien #Musik #Antisemitismus #Verschwörungstheorien
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Pop und Umwelt, #Atomkraft und #Kapital
Es sind die Metadaten, die maschinell ordnen und hypen als wären sie wie lebendig. #Pop und #Greenpeace können wie "Metawörter", einzahlig genannt Mem, doch nicht ohne Bild erscheinen. Das geneologische biologistische Konzept des "viralen" Inhalts, der kognitiven Maschine
Internet (meist ist das WWW oder sein in Überstülpung befindliches Untersegment Facebook gemeint) muss gegenüber dem öko-politischen Reenactment des "Help!" der Beatles wie ein Versuch gelesen werden, Sprache und Bild dem menschlichen Sensorium zu entziehen. U2 stellte mit
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Creative #Music confronting #HKpopo 📣

打傳媒 打傳媒 打!
打議員 打議員 打!
打女仔 打女仔 打!
#死黑警 打爛依個家園!

#肥媽有話兒 #Sia #Pop #MusicisKing
#HongKongProstests #屯門牛牛 #預防禽流感勿摸活家禽
#HKPolice today specifically targets at *FIRST AIDERS* in #TuenMun protest, at least 5 were arrested and many were #humiliated by being called “COCKROACHES” & made forced to face a wall. #HumanitarianCrisis

@UN @MSF @hrw
#HongKongProstests #hongkong
#HKPoliceState #HKGestapo ImageImageImageImage
Let’s take a walk down the *#Bullets Aisle* of today’s legitimate #TuenMun protest 🆘

“Letter of No Objection” was pre-approved by #HongKongPolice. Yet, bullets & #CSgas were still fired soon after the rally started.

#HKPoliceState #chinazi #LiberateHK
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Artists... Recording quality affects your songs as much as almost anything else so I'm gonna start a thread with basic recording tips, tricks and recommendations. I'll be adding to it from time to time. You can reply to them with any questions and I'll try to respond asap...
The mic level shouldn't be above or in the red (peaking/clipping) on your channel's meter inside your DAW (app/program). Also no red light should light up on your mic preamp. The waveform should look like the one on top in this pic. The one on the bottom will sound distorted... Image
If you're recording from home then most likely your environment isn't optimal for recording, even with a homemade recording booth. Your vocal bouncing off the walls back into your mic and noises in your room, like a computer fan, degrade the sound quality
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As #espionage & #Eurovision coincide, here's #Albania the 1st finalist in this #history thread.
(Also for my #Australia readers seeking relief from #ausvotes as you start your Saturday, it's impressive you convinced them your continent counts 😎)
Next: #Азербайджан #Евровизија
For #Eurovision #Азербайджан and #Spying studies, here's an article from @warisboring about Azeri #aviation being well-placed to use my #Soviet favourite (Foxbat) to work #intelligence against my #USAF (Blackbird).
Zoom zoom 😎💕…
Next up for #Eurovision finalists with an #espionage twist is #Denmark, whose #Spying #Police (PET) scored a serious scoop in turning Colonel Oleg Gordievsky, the #Russian rezident (lead KGB controller), which later inspired actual #JamesBond plot points:…
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G Venugopal, chairman of Print and Beyond welcomes the delegates to the KMPA full day seminar #PrintAndBeyond
Ravi Joshi, president of AIFMP highlights the importance of the Federation in terms of government representation. Also traces the history of print in Malabar #PrintAndBeyond
In his keynote address, Manipal Technologies' Gautham Pai highlights the new sense of entrepreneurship. "In the previous generation, being an entrepreneur was the last choice."
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#JollofMusic101 Dear Upcoming Artiste: Basic Music Industry Terms you Should Know

3) Indie Labels:
These are self-funded labels that is NOT affiliated to any Big Three Record Label. Affiliation in this regard could be seen in the case of Mr Eazi’s Banku Music label liaising...
Universal Music Group Nigeria & South Africa. After his affiliation with Wizkid’s StarBoy Records in 2016.

Indie Labels often operate solo and an example of one would be #RicHassani’s label called Riverland Records.

#JollofMusic101 #DearUpcomingArtiste #AfroBeat #AfroBeats
#JollofMusic101 Dear Upcoming Artiste: Basic Music Industry Terms you Should Know .

4) Manager:
A manager is an integral determinant in the making or marring of an artiste’s career. The manager guides and oversees the daily dealings of an artist.
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Francis-Marie Martínez #Picabia nace en París el 22 de enero de 1879. Descendía por vía paterna de una familia arribada a Cuba procedente de Galicia; su madre era vasca francesa 👨🏼‍🎨@arteneaUCM #ArtistasArtenea
Comenzó su carrera artística en el ámbito del #Impresionismo y el #Fauvismo, con obras fáciles que le proporcionaron un gran éxito comercial. Muy cercano en esta pincelada al #Neoimpresionismo pintó "Efecto de otoño" (1905)
Se introduce en el #Cubismo con #Duchamp y #Villon, integra el grupo de #Puteaux, surgido en 1912 del grupo de la Section d'Or. En la formación de la Escuela cubista se crearon dos grupos distintos: los pintores de la #sala41, y los pintores de la #sala43.
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Sundays inclusive, we work to deliver. #POPceilings #TrumiPaint its cheap to have a beautiful ceiling.
Work progress. #POPceiling #TrumiPaint
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