1/4 If you're a microcap investor not exploiting the information edge the microcap space puts in your lap because it's so hated, then you're selling yourself short. $TSSI is a prime example. SEC filings can go beyond the PR & CC to expand on biz outlook & strategies. #thread2/4 $TSSI, modular data centers, has been hammered since surprise Q4 loss. New CEO (as of Q4 '22) is tasked to restore profitability. Today, Co. reported Q1 loss, but PR/CC guided Q2 to be profitable & '23 to be EBITDA positive. 10Q filing adds that all of '23 will be profitable.
Dec 16, 2022 • 42 tweets • 18 min read
1/42 Interviewing company mgmt. can be a daunting task. You may feel overwhelmed or intimidated jumping on a call with executive leaders. But at the end of the day, going the extra mile gives you a huge investing edge. This #Thread discusses this topic & 8 interview process tips.
2/42 By the way, this #Thread is longer than recommended by the “experts.” However, I wanted to put a lot of thought into the mgmt. interview process topic for those who are deeply into #stockpicking or want to learn how to pick stocks. Investing successfully requires effort.
Oct 20, 2022 • 25 tweets • 13 min read
1/25 #TheGreatHeadFake: Why we’ll look back at this market correction & conclude that it was a huge head fake. Mark my words, we’re entering a multiyear bull market for forgotten growth+value stocks. Fundamentals to take centerstage. #Thread
2/25 Takes me back to Peter Lynch opining on sticking to fundamentals as he resisted the temptation of investing in internet stocks during his retirement."In spite of the instant gratification that surrounds me,I’ve continued to invest the old-fashioned way. I own stocks where👇