Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta Profile picture
Rep for PA’s 181st District • Democratic Nominee for Auditor General PA• Chair @POTUS Commission on Black Americans• @drmattkenyatta’s husband
Jan 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Electing a Speaker hasn’t been cut and dry in Harrisburg or Washington 🫠.

I know a lot of people have questions about the #PAHouse Speaker election. So I wanted to do a quick 🧵 For those just tuning in — this November Pennsylvanians delivered historic victories to Democrats including a majority of seats (by 1 vote) in the PA House for the first time in nearly a decade.

But a tragic death and two resignations left us short 3 seats on swearing in day.
Jul 8, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
The @PAHouseGOP is beginning the bans right now.

They have banned @PaHouseDems from offering any amendments to this grotesque bill.

Follow live at So many of my @PaHouseDems colleagues have powerfully spoken about the impact of this bill so far.

@RepBradford just asked the GOP majority leader to stand for interrogation and answer questions about this disgusting bill.

Not one Republican would do so. That is telling.
Jul 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
PA House Republicans are RIGHT NOW trying to pass a constitutional amendment to strip the freedom to abortion, make it harder to vote, and inject the GOP Auditor General into elections.

The PA Senate passed this last night just before midnight.

The Governor can not veto this. For this to appear on the ballot for final approval they must pass this language again in January per our constitution.

So…if the Republicans hold the General Assembly and take the Governor’s mansion, abortion could be banned in Pennsylvania by this time next year.
Jun 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
If you’re an anonymous “Democrat leader” feeding reporters crap quotes about John Fetterman being replaced on the ticket cut the crap.

It goes without saying, I felt strongly that I should be US Senate nominee and I worked my ass off, but the voters decided and I respect it. Where I differed with John I was not shy about saying so, but the primary is over.

I said throughout the race that when it was over we must unite as a party and do everything to support the nominee and I for one will do that.
Jun 2, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
In this moment when so much hard won progress is at risk #Pride is more important that ever.

Craven politicians are rushing to pass ‘don’t say gay’ bills, criminalize gender affirming care, and erase the LGBTQI community.

We won’t be erased. When I ran for US Senate — becoming the first openly gay man of color to run in American history to do so — I stood on the shoulders of giants whose bravery and sacrifice made it possible.

Heroes who’d would never get to enter the rooms of the doors they kicked down.
Aug 20, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
This fall, I will be introducing legislation that will require that TANF benefits undergo an annual cost of living increase to keep pace with inflation. TANF is a lifeline for struggling families and it’s urgent that we modernize the system. 🧵 : The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, known as TANF, is a crucial program for families who are in crisis. I know what that feels like. TANF benefits make sure folks have food and supplies when we are struggling.
Aug 19, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
People ask why do I want to be in the US Senate and the reasons are numerous. But a simple answer is for people like my mom.

Today should have been her 62 birthday but instead we’re still mourning her loss. I think often of the cruel irony of the fact that my mom, who was trained as a CNA and spent most of her career as a home health aide helping others get their medication on time would come to ration her insulin.
Jul 16, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Let’s address the elephant in the room… 🧵
I’m not the typical candidate for the US Senate. I’m traversing a path never taken, to go to a place that never envisioned me as a member. A place still rarely sees folks like us. That means this ain’t easy. I know I say this a lot, but it’s so important to have ACTUAL working people in government. I grew up a poor Black gay kid in Philly. I don’t come from generational wealth — in fact, my mom had to ration her insulin, and my family moved A LOT. But here’s the thing:
Jul 7, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Today in Gettysburg, I rolled out my eight-point agenda to deliver a New Day for American Democracy. I’ve been passionate about making sure all of us can make our voices heard as easily as possible so we can have a government that works for working people. Here’s what it says: 🧵 1️⃣: In the Senate I will introduce a bill to create a Civilian Democracy Corps, housed under AmeriCorps, to reinvigorate the teaching of civic education and how to spot misinformation and disinformation.…
Jun 1, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Pride is way to commemorate the brave souls who fought back against state sanctioned violence at Stonewall. That uprising, spurred on by Black trans & nonbinary folks was the catalyst for the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement.

Pride month is a reminder of what is left to be done: In Pennsylvania the LGBTQ+ community continues to not be afforded basic nondiscrimination protections. Meaning housing, service in public accommodations, and much more is not guaranteed.
May 30, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
VP Harris often talks about being the “first but not the last”, which is deeply inspiring. But the faux outrage she constantly encounters shows how difficult it is to be the first.

I know it all too well. As the first you take the slings and arrows of those committed — at all costs — to maintaining the status quo.

And to discuss the barbs thrown your way and call it out is to be greeted with hostility and justifications meant to silence you into submission.
Jan 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m all for forgiveness — it’s at the heart of my Christian faith. But forgiveness can not happen without accountability.

I refuse to act as if what happen wasn’t fomented by the same Republicans who are now distancing themselves from what occurred. 1/4 If today’s events are to never be repeated, we must not fool ourselves about what got us here. We must value the truth and speak it.

Lies, misinformation, disinformation and a host of elected leaders who were at best cowardly and at worst complicit got us here. 2/3
Oct 27, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
We have one week left and I want to remind folks... This election (and every election) — is about you. Your family. Your community. Your future.

Imagine a better world. Then vote for it. Imagine a world where all our kids have good schools that are safe and clean of asbestos and mold.

Imagine it, then go vote for it.
Oct 7, 2020 19 tweets 12 min read
Return those ballots ya’ll! Get it 👏🏽 You get a RT. Whoever else returns their ballot gets a RT. Let’s all get a RT! #VOTE
Jan 8, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Folks... Long but important thread. 🗣

This is the most important Presidential election of our lives and people rightfully feel strongly about who’s the best person is to beat Trump and make progress once he’s gone. We each have a choice to make and should work like hell to see our choice win the primary. Ascribing bad faith to those who don’t support your choice is the wrong way to go.
Dec 10, 2017 12 tweets 2 min read
I’m sick of reading stories about how “hard it is” for Republicans to vote against Roy Moore. If opposing a pedophile and slavery enthusiast is hard then you need to take a long look in the mirror. This cruel predator has NO PLACE in the Senate or a mall apparently. Standing for basic decency shouldn’t be hard.