MassResistanceTEXAS - Exposed DQSH SEX OFFENDERS Profile picture
pronouns: never/back/down #Profamily #stopdqsh #DragNet #SafeguardChildren
May 19, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Why is @AngelaPaxtonTX asking us to support a bill #sb13 that codifies into law @ALALibrary and @tasbnews policy? These two orgs are the most anti-parent child groomers in the state. Reject #SB13 and support #BH900. Pass HB900 without amendments out of the Senate! While probably well-intended, #SB13 is misguided, it must have been written without the help and insights of those of us who have experience fighting the dirty book battles in TX. The authors should have contacted @SafeLibraries for his expertise.
May 19, 2023 14 tweets 10 min read
#HB900 must pass without amendments out of the #TexasSenate and go to the Governor's desk. The senators have the responsibility to get this bill to the governor AS-IS!!! Call Dan Patrick and tell him TX Parents need this bill passed w/o amendments (512) 463-0001 Please let your senator and @DanPatrick @LtGovTX know that #SB13 codifies awful TASB and ALA policy into must die...and not be added to #HB900 in any manner. We do not want #HB900 to be killed in the House. It will be on @DanPatrick and the Senate this bill fails.
Apr 13, 2023 20 tweets 11 min read
I will be talking about this on America Voice News this Saturday. I have been warning people for years this could happen. #MedicalKidnapping for unnecessary "care". In my opinion, there a no safe states.... The reason there are no safe states is because your child can be taken from you by the family courts and your ex move to another state that allows puberty blockers, hormones, or surgeries for kids. Ask Texas father @JeffYoungerTex. He isn't the only one either.
Apr 13, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
Why aren't the nominees for Texas Medical Board being questioned before they are confirmed? Some of the members are part of professional associations that support pediatric gender modification. Will @DonnaCampbellTX question them before the committee? #TexasWantsToKnow @McneilHodge @TxFreedomCaucus @TXGOPCaucus @MattRinaldiTX @TrueTXProject @MQSullivan @TheTexanNews @TrueTexasTea @protecttxkids_ @FamilyProjectTX
Apr 13, 2023 7 tweets 8 min read
Until the #txlege forbids research and training for purpose of furthering "gender transitions" the taxpayer should not be funding research in TX. @MadMommaBear2 will have a report soon on the ways Texas has funded and driven the gender industry. Texas funds the Child Mental Health Care Consortium which was training school mental health providers on gender-affirming care and told them not to "out" the kids to their parents.…
Apr 10, 2023 26 tweets 10 min read
A thread about fake genitals parents buy for kids.

"I bought my 14 yo son a penis for Christmas."

@MattWalshBlog @MattShaheen @LifeSite @doug_mainwaring @MassResistance @thedaughter17 @ZebraStrongMama @Muttmere1 @LogosAndLiberty @xxclusionary @BrandonMShow @OwenShroyerLive Image A mom is looking for a packer for her 13 yo daughter she refers to as "son". Image
Mar 23, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
Action alert: SB 12 will be heard in TX Senate today. Please contact the following senators to let them know that #DragQueensAreNot4Kids a 🧵 RT SB 12 to restricting certain sexually oriented performances on public property, on the premises of a commercial enterprise, or in the presence of a child; authorizing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense will be heard today in TX Senate.
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Note that this librarian advocacy org refers to a bill removing defenses for passing obscene material to minors as "criminalizing librarianship".

That's an admission.… EveryLibrary is sponsored by Follett, EBSCO, GALE, etc

And they participate with the adult entertainment industry’s Free Speech Coalition in the NCAC…
Mar 12, 2023 21 tweets 12 min read
Rep. John Bryant (D) said in a committee hearing that pediatric gender modification was not happening and it is illegal in TX:… So, let's first dispense with the idea that these procedures (pediatric gender modification) are not happening in TX b/c this is often stated and it isn't true. The number of people showing up to the Capitol to protest the bills to stop this indicates they are.
Mar 10, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
It is shameful that @FoxNews would malign @MassResistance in this manner. We partner with parents to stop the onslaught of perversion towards children. To regurgitate the SPLC smear of Christians and conservatives shows you exactly what FOX has become.… @FoxNews smeared us for those who support us. Wow, as it turns out most of society is against drag queens for kids, even people who we may not agree with on anything else.
Mar 3, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Who are the sick, twisted Billionaires that really run Texas? The ones I keep being told will not allow a bill to pass that allows any civil action against child butchers that cut up kids for $$$ leaving them disfigured and sterilized. You didn't elect these morally repugnant pieces of excrement but thru their donations they run Texas. The same pieces of dung that prevent the bans on vax mandates. The legislature listens to them, not the voters. They buy elections all over the state w their donations.
Mar 2, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Parents worry about school shooters but school librarians aren't worried at all....they think it is comic book material. This book (and more like it) is available in Humble ISD @humbleisd @ElizabethFagen @LemondDixon @HISDParents
Feb 25, 2023 33 tweets 23 min read
BREAKING: TX Child Mental Health Consortium got $113 Million in taxpayer dollars last session to push transitioning kids and not telling parents. How much this session? @JillGloverSD12 @EpochTimes @LifeSite

A 🧵 #ScrewUTaxpayers…. Let's meet the teams that are part of the TX Child Mental Health Consortium:
Feb 23, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
🙄 When therapist give men letters for them to transition the courts order their name and sex marker changed on documents. This edict is no more of a medical treatment for disordered thinking than using a scalpel to create a wound and calling it a vagina. What Christina is advocating for isnt a right but a form of authoritarianism. The psychological community enables narcissistic and fetishistic adults to gaslight the world with "this is how I feel comfortable" while women are displaced in female only spaces.
Jan 31, 2023 8 tweets 7 min read
Parents, don't worry. @humbleisd "allows" you to see what your kid has checked out. So, after they learn about kissing and sucking genitals you can complain which will do nothing to protect your kid. How good of @HumbleISD librarians to be sure kids have access to information on butt douching and foot fetish. Parents should thank them at the next board meeting. @mamaknowsbooks @fd_mass @MassResistance @LifeSite @doug_mainwaring
Dec 28, 2022 12 tweets 8 min read
@SocialBeerHTX why are you allowing children at drag events! We will be protesting your venue until you stop hosting drag for kids. This is the abhorrent, satanic drag queen planned to host this event!
Jun 27, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
When will the assholic, apathetic, perverts (mostly men) protect women and children in the USA? We know we cannot count on Kamala and Biden bc they root for perverts.… The pathetic excuse for a penis haver telling this woman that the man w his penis and balls out for all to see is a "transgender" needs take a seat. Women do not have to get used to seeing penises and balls and we don't have to be around men nude. It isn't about male comfort.
Jun 26, 2021 6 tweets 7 min read
. @GovAbbott @GregAbbott_TX has allowed #Texas to come into agreement with a lie that people can be born in the wrong body. He is gender confused, thinks there's more than 2 genders, allows kids to be groomed and mutilated in TX. Failed to lead on #SB1311 ImageImageImageImage For @GovAbbott's entire time in office the gender disfigurement movement in TX has advanced on children through drag queen story hours and in public schools where kids are taught gender ideology.… ImageImageImage
May 31, 2021 10 tweets 7 min read
How many major donors that own hospitals directly dealing in transgender medicine donate to @GregAbbott_TX @DanPatrick and @DadePhelan ? I found another PAC donating hundreds of thousands to them linked to transgender clinic for immigrants on the border. See thread:…

Who is @DadePhelan top donor? Border Health PAC! Hmmm