Murali Thirumalai 🇮🇳 (Modi Ka Parivar) Profile picture
~ Shri Krishna ~ Follows Vishishadvaita ~ If due to ego you think: i shall not fight; this resolve of yours is vain. your own nature will compel you ~ BG 18.59
Feb 28, 2023 22 tweets 13 min read
9 modes of #Devotion

śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ: smaraṇaṁ pāda-sevanam
arcanaṁ vandanaṁ dāsyaṁ sakhyam ātma-nivedanam
iti puṁsārpitā viṣṇau bhaktiś cen nava-lakṣaṇā
(Srimad Bhagavatham 7.5.23-24) #Thread
@ShefVaidya @anuradhagoyal @Sai_swaroopa @vikramsampath 1/22 Nine types of #Bhakti are
1. Shravana
2. Keerthana
3. Smarana
4. Paada sevana
5. Archana
6. Vandana
7. Daasya
8. Sakhya &
9. Aatmanivedana.

Thus, a person can follow any of the given nine types of Bhakthi and can attain #Enlightenment. 2/22