Michal Thim (廷米賀) Profile picture
Asia/cyber security analyst. Writes & tweets strictly in pers capacity; Taiwan & China; affiliation: @AMO_cz, @CIMSEC, @Wikistrat
Nov 26, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] Czech Security Information Service (BIS @biscz) released the annual report for 2018 today. Access the full text of the report here:bis.cz/annual-reports… Here are few #cyber/#China-related takeaways: Hostile activities in cyberspace rose in prominence and affect all range of BIS (i.e. counterintelligence) activities. In 2018, the Czech Republic and its institutions were a target of state-linked cyberespionage activities
Oct 15, 2019 15 tweets 5 min read
[THREAD] ICYMI, Czech National Cyber & Information Security Agency @NUKIB_CZ published annual Report on the state of #cybersecurity in the Czech Republic in 2018. This thread gives the main takeaways from the report, which you can find here: nukib.cz/cs/informacni-… 1/15 (1) Unsurprisingly, state actors are the most severe threat to cyber security of entities that are part of @NUKIB_CZ's constituency (government agencies, government & private sector-operated crititical information infrastrcuture (CII), providers of essential services etc) 2/15