How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App #Ukraine, @SavetheChildren is training staff to safeguard and responsibly support traumatized kids. We recently went to Ivankiv, where kids had survived 5 wks of occupation at the beginning of the war. It’s been a long 8 months since then. @NBCNews also introduce you to one of @WCKitchen’s partners on the ground: Aline Kamakian, of Mayrig & Batchig. Seriously injured along with at least 25 of her employees, they were back in the kitchen the day after the blast. 🇱🇧 @TODAYshow say we need to invest in better, faster testing, better contact tracing, better public health measures. Better therapies will come too. All of this will make it livable. There is no scenario, no one vaccine where we go straight to "normal." Bottom line: IT'S A LONG ROAD. my god. (Image on the left is @CNN camera STILL rolling.)