Beyond ecstatic to share that our paper is finally out @CellCellPress!
It's been a while since I lastly highlighted the main findings, so here's a refresher for new and old readers with some new data added during the peer-review process (-18)…
The background: roughly one base out of 3 in our genomes belongs to either an Alu or L1 repeat element. These are retrotransposons involved in a lot of cool things, here's an excellent primer if you want to know more about transposable elements (-17)…
Non-allelic homologous recombination of Alu and LINE-1 elements generates somatic complexity in human genomes.…1/ Background: pathogenic non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) of Alu and LINE-1 has been found in several genomic disorders and #cancer types. We thought this could be just the tip of the iceberg of a physiological recombinogenic activity of retroelements.