VP at the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs | Opinions are my own | RTs are not endorsements | https://t.co/ymhbtjilbo
Jun 13, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The @bctf wants one of their branches – the AOEC – to be responsible for creating teaching materials on antisemitism. They recently pulled down the AOEC website and social media channels. I wonder why? 1/5 #BCEd
Is it because they didn’t want you to see that the AOEC shared this poster as a teaching resource for the K to 12 classroom? 2/5
Oct 21, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I can't understand why anyone would think that a mountain named after a Nazi collaborator, who was convicted of high treason after WWII, didn’t need to change. The authoritarian government led by Pétain participated in Jewish expulsions & turned France into a quasi-police state
Pétain belongs in the history books. And speaking of history, here is a picture of Pétain, meeting with Hermann Goering, the founder of the Nazi secret police, the Gestapo, in Saint-Florentin-Vergigny, central France, on December 1, 1941.
May 17, 2021 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
1. ‘#Palestine From the River to the Sea’ = Always been a call for annihilation not liberation. The first recorded use of the phrase was by the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) when it was formed in 1964.
2. Back in 1964, much of the land west of the Jordan River was controlled by #Egypt and #Jordan. But the PLO’s 1964 Charter specifically excluded both the #WestBank and #Gaza from the territories it sought to “liberate.”