Oliver D. Smith Profile picture
Freelance writer | bookworm 📚
Apr 24 8 tweets 3 min read
Algal coronae

#algae #ponds #coronae atoptics.co.uk/blog/on-the-su…
Image Chromulina rosanoffii as a cause of optical phenomena on water surface atoptics.wordpress.com/2011/05/14/chr…
Feb 27 5 tweets 2 min read
Do 'sandbows' exist?

Talmage, James E. "A Sand-Bow: An Unusual Optical Phenomenon," Science 13, no. 338 (1901): 992-992.
jstor.org/stable/pdf/162… "Talmadge, a professor of geology at the University of Utah, related that he had been on an island in the Great Salt Lake when he saw a rainbow twice the width of a normal bow, yet there was no rain present. He guessed that it had been caused by the oolitic sand..." (Wilk, 2013)
Feb 23 7 tweets 3 min read
The Enigmatic Beauty of Pollen Corona

#atmosphericoptics #coronas #pollen atoptics.co.uk/blog/pollen-co…
Image Pine Pollen Corona: Exploring the Phenomenon in Detail atoptics.co.uk/blog/opod-pine…
Feb 17 10 tweets 3 min read
Fall speed of different size raindrops.
Image Rauber, Robert M., Kenneth V. Beard, and Block M. Andrews. "A mechanism for giant raindrop formation in warm, shallow convective clouds," Journal of the atmospheric sciences 48, no. 15 (1991): 1791-1797. journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/…
Mar 25, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
These guys are my heroes.

Rare footage and audio of the Anthropology of the Unknown: Sasquatch and Similar Phenomena conference held May 1978 at the Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

#cryptozoology #sasquatch #bigfoot The University of British Columbia' s Museum of Anthropology held the first academic monster conference (“Sasquatch and Similar Phenomena") in May 1978, there was more planned a so-called Anthropology of the Unknown series, but they never took place. ☹️