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♄ linguaphile & yogi Φ @THEMERCURANIANS ♅ sidereal babylonian, egyptian & hellenistic astrology ~ life is just pure imagination ||
Dec 17, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
The years of the planets & how to use them! 🧵 Image The Cosmic year is a number given by Rhetorius and proposed by many other ancient astrologers as the great period when all the 7 planets return to the same positions, or essentially, would all conjoin.
May 2, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Something I often say when talking to people about transits is that returns are renewals. They offer planets the opportunity to manifest their promise according to their nature, to their roles at your birth and to their promised effects in time (their condition in solar revolution, etc...)
Mar 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The dodekatemoria are akin to the background music playing behind your life. They are always there, and drastically change the mood without having to see them visually at first glance. Looking into the dodekatemoria or 12th parts has been a core part of my practice for some time, and I offer readings where we can spend our time just talking about them!
Feb 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The bound lord of your house cusps will give additional insight into the nature of the events which happen there. Also, the twelfth part of your house cusps will give important information as well. I think it is important to see how planets rule and dispose their own twelfth-parts in every single sign, just as they do for terms or decans.
Feb 27, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Valen's #Monomoiria method is a simple way to look at chronocratorships (time lord periods) from a lunar basis. It is a very very simple method that allots years to chronocrators (time lords) based on the degree of your moon. Every degree is ruled by a planet as follows: "Monomoirion" is the singular form, a greek word meaning "one" (mono) "degree" (moirion). This is the same concept as the dodekatemoria ("twelfth-degrees").
Feb 26, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Can we talk a minute to talk about the #Jupiter-#Uranus cycle? like this is rly too divine that Jupiter makes exactly SEVEN rounds of the zodiac as Uranus makes ONE lap because 12x7=86 This also means that Uranus spends seven years in one sign- one year for each planet starting from Uranus's domicile lord, and moving in traditional Chaldean order.
Feb 26, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
#Saturn and #Venus is a natural pair. Saturn is the fixed expression of Libra as its middle decan, and also the mutable expression of Taurus as it's third decan, transforming into Gemini. Venus exalts Saturn in Libra, masculine cardinal air sign. Furthermore, Venus is the cardinal expression of Aquarius, and represents the force the transforms Capricorn into the active + airy Aquarius. These two play a balancing game that highlights important planetary transitions across the zodiac.