Orbital Command 🌎 Profile picture
Community validator dedicated to educating & supporting the $INIT, $LUNA communities 🤝
Jan 23, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
The strong opening to 2024 continues for the Terra ecosystem 🌖

In this edition of Terra Weekly, remind yourself of all that is going on

- OG Terra airdrop
- TFL product updates
- Continued liquidity deployments
- GPs move to Enterprise

and more... Image @terra_money Many Lunatics were holders of the Legacy $APOLLO token and may well be entitled to airdrop of the new token. The airdrop is now live so check your eligibility and claim now 🪂

Follow the official links below to find out if you are eligible 👀
Nov 3, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1/8 A wild pokemon has appeared on the @terra_money blockchain!

But seriously, there really is a Charmander pokemon on the Terra testnet.

It's being used to test the new Darwin protocol, which allows for evolving NFTs 👀

Come take a look at Terra’s secret new NFT tech 🧵👇 Image 2/8 Darwin protocol will revolutionize NFTs. With Darwin, NFT creators will be able to create:

• NFTs that evolve / devolve if an on-chain condition is met
• NFTs that users can only get at a specific geographic location (using a phone's GPS)
• soul-bound NFTs
Nov 3, 2022 19 tweets 12 min read
Osmosis Weekly #4 🛰

#Binance Listing, Airdrops, Osmosis NFTs

& much more in 🧵👇🏻
#Osmosis #Cosmos 2. Missed Updates From the Labs @sunnya97 ? 🧪

• $IST & $USK added to @OsmosisFrontier

•Progress made on:

-StableSwap: 1 for 1 for Stables

-Multihop Swap Fees: swaps using 2 pools & Osmosis base pairs will have 50% less TX costs

-Concentrated Liquidity

Oct 27, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
Osmosis Weekly #3🛰

•Open Source Searching Bots, Interfluid Staking, Interchain Queries

& much more in 🧵👇🏻
#Osmosis #Cosmos Image 2. Skip drops a alpha in the OC Alpha Hour

• Skip’s 2 main products:
1) Protorev (Osmosis):
👉🏻Module captures MEV
2) Auction(Osmosis, Terra, etc):
👉🏻Users bid to validators to capture MEV

💣Open Source Bots will let YOU find, bid, & capture MEV
Oct 26, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 What's the story behind Story Protocol?

It's a new @Terra_Money protocol being secretly developed 🤫

Story Protocol lets you post tweets to the blockchain. Community votes on tweets, and writers are rewarded with $STORY.

Wanna see it in action? 🧵👇 2/7 Story Protocol has 2 smart contracts:

Story manager:

And the Story DAO:

Go ahead, take a look around.
Sep 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 South Korea has issued an arrest warrant for Do Kwon and 5 other TFL employees.

A certain Terra FUDster is ecstatic this morning, but here's what he's not saying.

Warrant is apparently just because LUNA was an unregistered security.

Zero mention of fraud in reporting. 🧵👇 2/4 From a Korean article:

"Prosecutors are known to believe that cryptocurrencies Terra and Luna fall under “investment contract securities” under the Capital Market Act."

Sep 9, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
1/7 About the @terra_money situation.

Yes, this is a volatile pump. Yes, there's lots of unstable meme energy present (esp from $LUNC).

But there is a real, substantial foundation for this pump.

Here's the serious bull case for $LUNA. 🧵👇 2/7 This summer, LUNA price was suppressed primarily due to legal FUD.

But despite @FatManTerra's best efforts, no evidence of fraud has appeared. Lawsuits aren't getting anywhere.

Legal FUD starting to wear off.
Aug 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 @ZodiacProtocol came out of stealth today.

It plans to launch on @terra_money and @osmosiszone.

A little alpha for you: 10% of Zodiac token total supply will be airdropped to Osmosis users. 👀

So what is Zodiac anyway? 🧵👇 2/6 Zodiac will allow users to split their LP tokens / GAMM shares into principal and yield components.

That's right, just like @prism_protocol.

The big difference is that Zodiac is doing LP tokens, and Zodiac splitting will be fixed term, not perpetual.
Aug 15, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
1/10 @Levana_protocol preparing to offer leverage products to the whole Cosmos.

Their options application launched on @JunoNetwork testnet today.

According to team, Levana products could possibly return to @terra_money. 👀

Big update on Levana. When? Where? What? 🧵👇 2/10 Levana is many things. They have a sweet dragons NFT collection, are developing a perpetual swap app, and an options app. Levana plans to launch on many chains throughout the Cosmos.

This morning Levana team had a community call to provide an update.
Aug 10, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
Even in a bear market, there's many ways to research and trade on Terra 📊

@astroport_fi DEX
@terraswap_io DEX
@PhoenixFinan DEX

@tfm_com DEX Aggregator + Pro-trading Dashboard
@coinhall_org Analytics + (unreleased DEX Aggregator)

Brief 🧵 about these projects 👇 The largest Decentralised Exchange is @astroport_fi with currently $15.7M TVL 🌖

The native token is $ASTRO which some believe is currently undervalued 🚀

Read @lurkaroundfind's Astroport article for more 🧑‍💻
Aug 9, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1/7 Orbital Command hosted an important community call with @SeiNetwork today.

Sei is an exciting new Cosmos blockchain, launching in Q4.

Weren't there for the alpha?

Here are all the exciting new details we learned 🧵👇 2/7 First of all, the unique thing about Sei is that it has a new order book module.

Developers that build on Sei can use the order book module to create new, more efficient DeFi applications.
Aug 4, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
There's a huge liquid staking race in the Cosmos.

At least 9 different teams are racing to capture liquid staking market share. This race will shape the future of Cosmos DeFi.

A brief overview of each of the teams and how their liquid staking solutions differ. 🧵👇 #1 @osmosiszone - live

Superfluid staking lets you stake and LP OSMO at the same time.

Pros: Pick your own validator, retain governance power. No liquidity fragmentation.

Cons: Can only stake half of LPed OSMO, have to bond for 14 days, other assets not supported yet.
Jun 26, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
1/9 Remember when you were a kid and made Miis with your Nintendo Wii?

Miis let users express themselves, and helped make the Wii a huge success.

@OsmosisZone wants to do the same thing with @OsmosisNFTs.

Users are loyal to platforms that let them express themselves. 🧵👇 2/9 Here's how @OsmosisNFTs will work, and how they will be a moat for Osmosis.

Each wallet will get the same basic Wosmongton NTF to start. You will then be able to customize him, like a Mii.

By using Osmosis, you will unlock accessories for your Wosmongton.
Jun 23, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 New @osmosiszone analytics dashboard by Orbital Command.

Which pool has most unique address swaps per day? How much volume comes from whales vs minnows? Which pool has most addresses providing liquidity?

Look and see:

Dashboard walk-through 🧵👇 2/9 Overall, dashboard shows the health of Osmosis, and can be used to estimate $OSMO value.

Where a pool is the main gateway for liquidity entering or exiting a project - ex. $STARS - $OSMO - charts can be used to value said project token.

Let's take a look at the charts.
Jun 1, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
1/11 Successfully launch just 2 weeks after the vicious Terra 1 death spiral ✅

Immediately achieve the highest valuation in all of Cosmos ✅

What's next for @Terra_Money 2.0?

Let's discuss the likely Terra 2 roadmap for the next 3 months. 🧵👇 2/11 Most protocols require a DEX with sufficient liquidity, so that comes first.

At this very moment, 4 DEXes are racing to be the first to launch on Terra 2.

@PhoenixFinan, @Astroport_fi, @Terraswap_io, and possibly the Prism Swap DEX by @Prism_Protocol.
May 24, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
1/10 If you haven't heard, Terra 2 testnet is live. Mainnet goes live Friday. It's happening!

How much of an airdrop will I get? What is the point of Terra 2? What protocols will be participating?

Everything you need to know about Terra 2. 🧵👇 2/10 Terra 2 native asset to be called LUNA. Four groups will be getting airdrops of this new LUNA:

• Pre-attack LUNA
• Pre-attack aUST
• Post-attack LUNA
• Post-attack UST

Pre-attack snapshot on May 7th, post attack snapshot on May 27th.
May 10, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
1/10 Lots of chaos at the moment. Hard to comprehend what's going on.

Here's how to make sense of the current @terra_money situation:

- $UST peg will be restored
- @LFG_org has saved Terra
- Terra has a bright future

A 🧵 to unpack the present and future of Terra. Read on... 2/10 Terra has sustained some kind of economic attack.

Details aren't available yet, but it's clear that powerful forces are attempting to make a profit by destabilizing $UST.
Mar 2, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Medium risk strategy on @prism_protocol 🔥

With @terra_money alts pumping holding $PRISM token may seem attractive!

$PRISM can be staked for $xPRISM ✅

When people refract $LUNA and use @prism_protocol, there are 4 ways $xPRISM will accrue value.

Further info + alpha👇 Buying and staking $PRISM for $xPRISM means the $PRISM Bull will earn fees in 4 ways:

1. AMM fees - 0.1% of all swaps
2. Limit order fees - 0.3% of all limit orders Prism AMM
3. $LUNA staking commission on staked $yLUNA
= 10% of all $yLUNA staking rewards
Feb 13, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Higher risk strategy on @prism_protocol 🔥

Liquidation free leveraged exposure to $LUNA price...but it is not without risk ⚡️

@dr_doscoin expects to see $LUNA go much higher this year and might consider this a "good" risk 🙌

Further info👇 1. Refract $LUNA into $pLUNA and $yLUNA

2. Sell $yLUNA for $pLUNA to get leveraged exposure to $LUNA price with no risk of liquidation 🔥

- Let's look at some numbers to illustrate 🔢
Jan 3, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Short @anchor_protocol Borrow explainer 🧵

This thread is for you if you wonder how to calculate LTV; want to find out what 'Distribution APR' means; how to claim $ANC tokens earned through borrowing; or find out your liquidation price. To borrow on Anchor we must provide collateral, currently $bLUNA and/or $bETH

We can then borrow $UST against our collateral.

LTV = borrowed value / collateral value

2,731.494 / 10,070.525 = 27.12%
Dec 25, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
Building upon @Shigeo808's thought provoking strategy

I wonder if @prism_protocol will blow our current strategies for 2022 out of the water 😆

A short 🧵discussing potential Prism leveraged long - $LUNA strategy

Read this first:
Assumptions: $LUNA 10X is programmed

$LUNA price at start of 2022 = $100

$LUNA price increases $100 every month

We start with 1000 $LUNA

@anchor_protocol borrowing at 25% LTV

@prism_protocol $pLUNA trades at 50% $LUNA value in January