@petermacmahon Profile picture
Political Editor @ITVborder. Presenter @ITVBorderRB. "Top hack of old school", @KennyFarq. At times agog. Used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.
Apr 21, 2022 16 tweets 11 min read
More evidence today on the lack of records within @scotgov and other bodies involved to explain why ministers took decisions involving substantial financial risk which resulted in a five year delay to new CalMac ferries which are currently two and a half times over budget. .@AuditScotland @AuditorGenScot tell @SP_PublicAudit Transport Scotland 'accountable officer' - senior civil servant - would be expected to have documentary records of the risks of awarding a contact to inform ministers. @AuditScotland asked for this but "none was forthcoming".
Feb 3, 2022 20 tweets 9 min read
New: pensions thread: Following my interview with @Ianblackford_MP yesterday on pensions, it might be helpful to try to untangle some of the claims and counter-claims. As far as it is possible to do so. First, this is what @Ianblackford_MP said: OK. So what did the @scotgov independence White Paper of 2013 say?
' * for those people living in Scotland in receipt of the UK State Pension at the time of independence, the responsibility for the payment of that pension will transfer to the Scottish Government' (page 164)
Oct 6, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
Breaking: @UKSupremeCourt rules unanimously that 4 provisions of Scottish parliament Bill incorporation of UN Rights of the Child and European Charter of self-government "outside competence" of Holyrood. Conflicts with part of Scotland Act which legislated for devolution. .@UKSupremeCourt said actually putting the UNHCR and charter for self-government into Scots law was not disputed, just the effect some of the Bills - passed unanimously by MSPs - would have on UK law. Scottish parliament has to frame legislation within the limits of its powers.
Oct 5, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Measure include £40m to allow people in hospital to move to care homes "short term", and if they want to move. To free up space in hospitals. Also £40m to allow care staff to be paid more, £10.02 an hour. And there is £62m to enhance capacity for :"care at home provision".
Oct 5, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
New: @NicolaSturgeon apologises for problems with the new 'vaccine passports.'
Tells MSPs: "I am of course well aware that many people found it extremely difficult to use the app initially." Problem was especially acute over Thursday evening and Friday. "I know this caused extreme frustration for users who wanted to download the app as quickly as possible, and also for businesses and events organisers who were planning to test their certification arrangements over the weekend. I apologise for that." @ScotGovFM
Oct 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
"The significant and sustained fall in cases over recent weeks is now - I am very relieved to report - feeding through into a fall in hospital admissions." @NicolaSturgeon
"we are also now seeing a decline in hospital occupancy..." #Covid_19 "Given that cases are continuing to fall, we hope and expect that the number of people in hospital will decline further. We also expect that the number of people dying from Covid will reduce." @NicolaSturgeon
Oct 5, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Worst A&E waiting times in terms of meeting @scotgov target of "95% of patients to wait no longer than four hours from arrival to admission, discharge or transfer for A&E treatment."
Figures out today show only 77.8% of attendances at A&E meet that target. Interactive timeline Source: Public Health Scotland, with interactive timeline ht 5,460 (4.1%) patients spent more than 8 hours in an A&E department.
1,410 (1.1%) patients spent more than 12 hours in an A&E department.
24.8% of attendances led to an admission to hospital.
@NHSBorders second worse in Scotland. Figures also for Dumfries & Galloway. @DGNHS
Nov 6, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Very important non-#GE2019 story: The new Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) model in Scottish schools has had a
"significant negative impact" on children's attainment a report published today by Professor Jim Scott of Dundee University says. Reported by PA's @craigpaton27 Thread.. Looking at national, local authority and individual school data, Prof Scott found attainment in Scottish national qualification levels three to five in S4 pupils has dropped by at least 32.9% for each level since CfE was introduced in 2013.