Phi Dinh Profile picture
Game Developer and 50% of Phigames Made @RecompileGame and now working on secret things with @Skepsisology He/Him
Nov 26, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Unity NavMeshes! We've recently switched to them from our old custom A* pathfinding solution, and we've found it super fast, robust and accurate. Here's a few #UnityTips to help you make the most out of the NavMesh API
#madewithunity NavMeshAgents are great to get something working quickly, but they're a bit limited & prescriptive when dealing with finely tuned movement & steering. Instead, we use CalculatePath, passing the result to our own character controllers. No agents necessary!…
Feb 10, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
Finally ported my old particles to HDRP shadergraph!
And poor @Skepsisology has been working on converting our hundreds of VFX prefabs to the new renderer, but it's totally worth it!
Recompile VFX uses 4 different shaders.
Here's how we made them (thread)
#madewithunity #gamedev First up is the unlit opaque particle shader. This is the most important part of the VFX, and provides all of the core glowing shapes. The bloom ramp is controlled by particle value (intensity), and the alpha cutout is controlled by particle alpha. Image
Dec 16, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
I ported Recompile's hologram shader over to HDRP Shader Graph!
Also added a couple of new features & improvements...
Here's how it works (see graphs in thread)
#madewithunity #gamedev #unitytips It's basically a transparent lit shader with two layered screen space scanlines, fresnel glow, flicker, and some glitchy, wibbly wobbly vertex extrusion thing
Nov 19, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
Why did no-one tell me you can get wireframe shading for free, just by encoding barycentric coords into mesh vertex colors? I've been stumped on this for YEARS!
There are like entire Unity assets that offer this, but you can do it with a few lines of #shaders code? ImageImageImage Obviously screen space line thickness will vary by distance to camera, but maybe I can account for that somehow. It's not proper vector line drawing, but it'll do for a lot of cases
Aug 15, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
Finally added alpha dithering to our particle shaders! @Skepsisology has been requesting this for ages.
We use it for 2 things: fading out smoke that's too close to the camera, and fading out smoke over lifetime.
Here's how we did it (THREAD):
#gamedev #unitytips #madewithunity Btw here's the YouTube version that doesn't suffer from Twitter's video compression so you can see the effect clearly (2/9)