Pablo J. Sáez Profile picture
Husband - Dad of 2 - Scientist 🇨🇱 Chilean expat / #NewPI @cellcommlab / I love how cells walk & talk #CellMigration #CellComm #calciumsignaling #organelles
Dec 16, 2021 6 tweets 8 min read
Did you know that some proteins can increase or *decrease* #CellMigration, depending on the cell type?

Check our review on how ion channels (#Pannexins) & #calciumsignaling regulate immune, non-immune & #cancer migration.

Hot from the press:… #SciComm
/1 It all started when we wrote something with @palomi_rock
The intro was so good & had so much new data that we decided to make a 'short' review/update of pannexins in #immunecells, focus on cell migration.
But things got out of hand & we started to include more cell types 😅🤷🏽‍♂️