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Philly born&raised! #Justice4Trayvon 💚💕 THE ONLY OPTION IS SURVIVAL. Join our book club on @TwitterSpaces Sun 3 pm EST - The Counterrevolution of 1776
Nov 1, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Statement on African colonization from the Colored Convention of 1833 🤔🤨🧐 Image Going back is needed to move forward bc unfortunately black academia have this pan-African bias that buries our ancestors true political advocacy.…
Jan 8, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Top Colleges Take More Blacks, but Which Ones?


Much can be said about her positions on racial justice.

Much more should be studied on her positions.

She would have changed the trajectory of this country as USSC Justice…
Jan 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
“Integral to cotton farming was slavery, which Austin encouraged by granting settlers 80 acres of extra land for each slave they brought with them. “

Confronting Sugar Land's Forgotten History… Blood and Sugar
Feb 10, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
Thread 🧵 of Commitment to Collective Uplift #ADOS #ADOSHQ #ADOSATLMETRO #ADOS #ADOSHQ Commitment to Collective Uplift.
May 6, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Riddle me this, @MichelleObama & @Eugene_Scott. What's 55 years old, scapegoated and black all over? #ADOS VOTERS. #ThisIsMyTrauma

From time to time, I have to actually pull out the DATA from the 2010 midterms elections. 1/x The actual election data does NOT support the scapegoating of black voters at the culprits in the 2010 mid-term losses. What it is points to is the Obama coalition falling apart in PURPLE districts. #ThisIsMyTrauma 2/x
Oct 21, 2019 17 tweets 12 min read
#ADOS 2020 Holiday Schedule - If we don't remember and celebrate our milestones and setbacks, no one else will. I'm asking that all #ADOS find a way in their communities/families to observe the following holidays. #LineageMatters These are suggested days of observance & activities. It's up to each person, family & community to decide if & how they will observe and holidays. But we do think these are some of the most significant events that form the creation story of #ADOS Any suggestions? #LineageMatters
Sep 29, 2019 21 tweets 13 min read
#1526Project Pointe Coupee Revolt, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. Spanish Territory in April 1795 #PointeCoupeeRevolt #1526Project #PointeCoupeeRevolt In April of 1795, rumors swirled about a slave revolt to planned during a meeting of negro slaves on the Plantation of Jacques Vignes.
Aug 30, 2019 14 tweets 11 min read
Does Financial Literacy Betray Racial Bias? - The Chronicle of Higher Education #ITrustADOS #ADOSPolitics #ADOSreparations If you don’t, you are a WS tool.… appears that blacks generally live more frugal lives than Whites; ...a study...found that, at comparable levels of income, whites spend 1.3 times more than blacks (Traub et al.) #ADOSPolitics #ADOSReparations…
Jul 23, 2019 16 tweets 11 min read
@TheBlackCaucus Pelosi's Puppets. Mamma got big bucks...your constituents don't. #TheUnconsciousofCongress #ADOS #TheUnconsciousofCongress #ADOS better off than your constituents.