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Jan 5th 2021
We are about to have a heated Ward 2 Biloxi City Council race! Shout out to all the parties involved! Biloxi needs vigor and fight for their constituents from their elected officials!…
The youth are ready to challenge our veterans leaders in Ward 2!
Read 9 tweets
Dec 8th 2020
Happy birthday to your beloved mother🎊I hope that she will be looking down on your efforts to liberate #ADOS who were economically unable to travel in mass in 1976. #ADOS still remain a #BottomCaste in America.
On January 31, 1966, about 70 African American sharecroppers, tenant farmers, and seasonal workers occupied the empty barracks of the Greenville Air Force Base to protest their desperate economic plight in the MS Delta. They carried blankets, stoves, coal, mops, brooms, and water
“Their demands were simple: land, food, jobs, shelter, and the basic necessities of life. Their wages, averaging $3 for a 12-hour day, made their life unlivable. They lived in shacks, and many were in debt to plantation owners for those shacks.” This was #ADOSLife✊🏾in 1966.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 26th 2020
Mississippi is home the Choctaw and Cherokee Indian reservations. They own thousands of acres of land and commercial property in Mississippi Alabama and Louisiana. Casino Gaming and Agriculture are their major sources of income today.
As we celebrate “Thanksgivings” let us all remember the Native #ADOS who predate the “Founding Fathers” of this Country before 1775. #ADOS have been in America well before 1565.
Our #Genocide in America was aided and abetted by Native American Tribes and Chiefs of this land. The town of Greenwood is located in Leflore County, MS at the edge of the Delta farming country. It is named for Chief Greenwood LeFlore. Chief in 1830.…
Read 6 tweets
May 12th 2020
Every now and then I delete a tweet, it is usually a result of research or new information. Earlier today I re-tweeted Dr. Alexander Hamilton and his assessment of Joyette Holmes, Cobb County DA - these are my findings #ADOS IN Georgia.
Joyette Holmes was not the prosecutor of of the Raquel Nelson case. Cobb County Solicitor General Barry Morgan was the prosecutor. Nelson's story is a tragedy - and the law needs to be re-written.…
The judge ensured the process worked fairly - despite the deficiency in the law. State Court Judge Katherine Tanksley instead sentenced Nelson to probation, but offered her a deal. Nelson could undergo a new trial, and if she was acquitted, her record would be cleared.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 2nd 2020
A thread—Black shields, White cover:

(1 of 6)After this election, there are a lot a Black celebrities and Black political pundits who should never be trusted again. If they are not fighting for #ADOS justice, they are part of the plan to continue our oppression.
(2 of 6)If they are endorsing a candidate while not advocating for a #blackagenda that includes #Reparations, then their role is to sell us down the river and/or provide cover for those who want us to remain a bottom caste.
(3 of 6) Think about this: Iowa is only 3.5 percent Black. Nonetheless, we’ve seen several Black surrogates in Iowa giving speeches. Ask yourself why?
Read 6 tweets
Jan 14th 2020
Good late evening family. This is going to be another long one.

With this Tweet-thread, we're going to review and consider coalitions and alliances.

Let's have a discussion about when to do them, why to do them, and what to expect out of the transaction. #ADOS #ADOSAgile (1/)
An excellent prologue for a discussion on this critical issue is Kwame Ture (formerly Stokely Carmichael) & political scientist Charles V. Hamilton's "Black Power: The Politics of Liberation."
Taking influence and cues from the Ture/Hamilton text, I will paraphrase the couple of pages for #ADOS interest: "We do not oppose the formation of political coalitions *per se,* ... But coalitions with whom? On what terms? And for what objectives?" #ADOSAgile (2/)
Read 32 tweets
Jan 6th 2020
Good early morning family.

With this Tweet-thread, I want to share something that my pastor @KWCosby calls "Points to Ponder," key things to remember as we engage people and personalities on this platform. #ADOS (1/)
Our effort for a righteous justice claim battles much resistance & many enemies. Some of it is out of ignorance & a lack of knowledge. Some of it might well be having an interest in keeping ADOS a bottom caste in this country. #ADOSPolitics (2/)
As we deal with content consumers who may have a stake in what we are arguing for, let's dispose ourselves of the goal of direct persuasion as our goal. We have to resist the impulse to change the beliefs of people with made-up minds. #ADOSPolitics (3/)
Read 10 tweets
Dec 31st 2019
Good afternoon #ADOS Family, on the eve of a start of a new decade!

Back again for another session to teach. Share. Learn. To help provide you information that supplements our understanding & continue to build this political justice project.

This might be a long one. (1/)
We are going to keep asserting, not only the intent of our justice claim, but why #ADOS does what we do & why SPECIFICITY MATTERS.

This is an era where we don't need slick marketing, WE NEED POLITICAL WORK W/INTENTION. "The revolution will not be merchandised," indeed. (2/)
Political activity for our #ADOS righteous justice claim is a must.

Our "alternative facts" detractors assume that we're naive about the depth & stubbornness of white supremacy... (3/)
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Dec 28th 2019
The danger for #ADOS is the @TheDemocrats' failure to acknowledge and effectively address that the Slavery Wealth Gap was engineered to reach current genocidal proportions. The danger for the @DNC is that that failure is unforgivable. #ADOSPolitics #Reparations2020 Image
For more information on voting Dem Down Ballot: #ADOSPolitics #Reparations2020…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 27th 2019
Blacks have always practiced Group Economics. Mound Bayou, MS was founded by former Slave Benjamin Montgomery in 1867. It was one of the earliest Self Governing Black Communities in America. It covered 846 acres of land. #ADOSPolitics… @NPRmelissablock
The problem that Blacks have had throughout history is a lack of Political Capital that protect their economic interests. Mound Bayou, MS is a perfect example of why a political framework is so important. #ADOSPolitics @BennieGThompson @jerameyanderson…
To add context to the Political repercussions of not having agency, more than half of the 98% Black population in Mound Bayou, MS live below the Poverty Level. They have a population of 1,408.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 22nd 2019
When voting down ballot makes sense for #ADOSPolitics. This impacted countless black men in New Orleans. We were actively engaged in making it happen. Not supporting it would have empowered WS.…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 14th 2019
@AnthonyBrownMD4 responsed to my question:
Do you support reparations?
If Yes will you help rewrite #HR40 to only include cash payments to African Americans? #ados #ADOSPolitics #townhall #MDdistrict4
@AnthonyBrownMD4 responsed to my question:
Do you support reparations?
If Yes will you help rewrite #HR40 to only include cash payments to African Americans? #ados #ADOSPolitics #townhall #MDdistrict4
@AnthonyBrownMD4 responsed to my question:
Do you support reparations?
If Yes will you help rewrite #HR40 to only include cash payments to African Americans? #ados #ADOSPolitics #townhall #MDdistrict4
Read 5 tweets
Aug 30th 2019
Does Financial Literacy Betray Racial Bias? - The Chronicle of Higher Education #ITrustADOS #ADOSPolitics #ADOSreparations If you don’t, you are a WS tool.… appears that blacks generally live more frugal lives than Whites; ...a study...found that, at comparable levels of income, whites spend 1.3 times more than blacks (Traub et al.) #ADOSPolitics #ADOSReparations…
#ITrustADOS #ADOSPolitics #ADOSReparations if you do not trust #ADOS you are a WS Tool #WeSeeYou No wonder our two biggest detractors go after us because they don't trust black people.…
Read 14 tweets
Aug 2nd 2019
ADOS, this video was not made for you, it specifically speaks to immigrants and people of color. Still, it offers some interesting things to think about when we consider Mutual Aid Strategies we need to consider. #ADOSPolitics.
#ADOS, we have had Mutual Aid Societies since the 1700s. It is fascinating to see the attached list and information.…
Read 7 tweets

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