Rabbi Zvi Solomons Profile picture
Rabbi Jewish Commjnity of Berkshire https://t.co/BY7la9GcHP
Nov 17, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
How to lose three or more elections consecutively:

Choose your Leader carefully. He has to be both fringe and incompetent.

Ensure that moderates and soft lefties nominate someone so extreme they could never possibly see them in power. Let me finish.

An antisemite, expert at shouting women journalists down is perfect.

Let him install his mates in all the key positions.

He’ll parachute in a load of incompetent groupies to safe seats,

A fair number of them will get indicted for criminal stuff. Cos, 🤡🤪
Nov 17, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Jews have #NoConfidence in the @UKLabour #NEC disciplinary on Corbyn.

Pass it on.

If you agree please retweet. Man leads lifelong antisemitic existence. Gets elected Leader of major political party. Brings in his crappy mates, infests it w antisemitism. Loses two General Elections largely cos of this. On the way out creates myths with fake report to exculpate self.
Nov 16, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I was approached by someone writing an article about tweets re Christmas.

The article ended up not using my tweets or my information, but instead was used to imply that the government was focussed on “saving Christmas” but not caring about Hindus or Sikhs celebrating a Diwali. We live in a majority Christian country. That’s the national religion. Other religions are a minority.

Using our religion to berate a government trying to allow families their most important festive time is nasty and divisive.

I don’t grudge my Christian friends their festival
Nov 1, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
There is a lot of denial fluttering around on Twitter about the @EHRC report into #LabourAntisemitism.

The antisemite @JeremyCorbyn tried to exculpate himself after five years as leader of a increasingly antisemitic party.

Let me explain what our problem is.
Jeremy has a lifelong record of racism against Jews. He is unaware of this, because he only accepts what people in his own circle say. They don’t tend to criticize him, and he does not accept most criticism, even from friends.
The racism is clothed in Palestinian solidarity.
Oct 30, 2020 11 tweets 9 min read
@HenMazzig @SarahKSilverman I’m a British rabbi with former members of the UK Labour Party in my congregation.

Corbyn was a disaster. A Shanda. Union cash set up a front group to support him with Jews from the fringe left. Jewish MPs wrre bullied out of the party. Interference in party disciplinaries on AS @HenMazzig @SarahKSilverman Serious destruction at the polls - and the uk is way more left wing than the USA. Simply coujd not stomach his AS.

My leftie members are still recovering from Corbyn’s regime.

It’s great to support Palestine, but you don’t do it by supporting antisemitic murals or sneering
Sep 6, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
Thx @BridgitteTT for having me on @BBCBerkshire to talk about #antisemitism.
@TheIHRA definition is necessary cos too few people recognize it. Just saying “we condemn all racism” is not sufficient.
Here are some additional reasons we had no time for.
1/11 Antisemitism is unlike other hatreds. People shape the image of Jews to suit their hatred.

Communists paint Jews as archetypal capitalists. Fascists say Jews forment communism.

Some say Jews are powerful bankers, media moguls. That’s nonsense, conspiracy theories.

Jul 16, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
When an agitator for”Palestine” claims a map of the UN partition is from 1918, before the League of Nations was created, you can see the obvious lie.

The legend in the top left is the basic flaw. It says United Nations.

This thread exposes the lie 👇🏽1/6 The League of Nations existed before the UN in the 1920s and 1930s. It was the creation of WWI, an attempt to avoid more wars. It failed.

“Palestine” was a mandate granted to Britain to administer in 1921. 2/6

Jul 1, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Today is the anniversary of Sir Nicholas Winston’s death.

He was a hero who saved 669 Jewish children from Czechoslovakia in 1938-39.

He was very modest, not mentioning his achievement until late in his life.
1/4 You can read the story of his incredible rescue of all those children here, one of many articles on this extraordinary man.
Jun 26, 2020 27 tweets 11 min read
@MPeakeOfficial uses a modern version of blood libel to slander Israel, as being responsible for the death of George Floyd for training police in counter terrorism.

Ironically @amnestyintl put out a press release contradicting her.

An old libel 1/
google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j… Thread 👇🏼 a history of Blood Libel and associated lies:
It dates back at least to 250BCE, when the Greeks, puzzled by the Jews' lack of a tangible corporeal God, started making daft allegations about our modes of worship, alleging that we kidnap and consume Greeks or gentiles. 2/