Rachel Beck Profile picture
Writer, gamer, tabletop player. Author of The Glitch Logs #cyberpunk series. Start reading here: https://t.co/5keUD3DNiL
Jul 8, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I was a clumsy kid and also always in a rush. Whenever I dropped, broke, or knocked over something, the first words out of my mom's mouth were always, "Are you okay?" There were still consequences afterward but "Are you okay?" always came first. (1/6) Fast forward to adulthood. I was teaching a 4th grade science class and we had a bunch of paint water jars on a table in the corner. I'd warned the kids multiple times not to go near that table. It was also far away from their desks so it shouldn't have been a problem. (2/6)
Dec 18, 2019 31 tweets 11 min read
Gather ‘round, friends. I’m going to tell you the story of how the system design of a #ttrpg is making a corner of the world a better place in elementary #education. So California has a teacher crisis, right? It’s not that there aren’t enough good people who want to step up and teach; it’s that the burnout rate is incredible. There’s lots of reasons for that, but that’s not what this story is about.
Nov 13, 2019 30 tweets 5 min read
I spend a lot of my time researching/thinking about systems and technology and how they impact us both on a global and personal level. Here’s a (probably long) thread about something interesting that’s come out of that research. A lots been written about what’s wrong with existing structures, but we’re a bit starved for practical solutions for those without political power or tremendous social clout. I want to talk about a shift in how we think about problems that yields some interesting results.