Bradley Brewer 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Christian Conservative • Ft. @HumanEvents @thenatpulse • Entrepreneur • Real Estate Investor • Husband • IN✈️NC • Father • Golfer • #Bitcoin • #MAGA
Deplorable Skymom Profile picture Dr. Pres-Elect GA Girl for Trump #FightBack Profile picture Julie B Profile picture 3 subscribed
Nov 28, 2020 • 19 tweets • 3 min read
The ‘Great Reset’ is nothing more than the continuation of the ‘Great Wealth Transfer’ that was exacerbated by COVID. Now the government, through their ‘corporate government’ lackeys, will push the vaccine, not for health, but for further control of YOU.

THREAD It’s should be apparent to everyone by now, the bureaucrats in our government, orchestrated by their leftist/deep state handlers, are hell-bent on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world.
Sep 19, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
If I see one more person post the meme showing that McConnell refused to confirm Garland in 2016 as a “confirmation” that we HAVE TO WAIT now, I’m going to lose it. Not the same scenario at all. Let me educate you. THREAD (1/7) In 2016, the Democrats held the Presidency and the House. The Republicans held the Senate. It is the Senate’s roll to confirm Supreme Court nominees. (2/7)
Mar 24, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
You should be ashamed of yourself @HeidiNBC - using an emotionally distraught & sick woman who self-medicated FISH TANK CLEANER and just lost her husband as the poster child of why #hydrochloroquine is “deadly” to push back on @POTUS.

THREAD Your original tweet says “after ingesting chloroquine” - INCORRECT. The couple ingested chloroquine sulphate - BIG DIFFERENCE but you consciously omitted that in the lead tweet to be sensational.
Sep 11, 2019 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
I remember exactly where I was 18 years ago - #NeverForget THREAD

I sat in my 7th grade science class at Fayetteville Street Christian School in Asheboro, NC, like every other Tuesday morning. Nothing remarkable had happened, when the door to the classroom opened... It was Miss Duty, my history teacher... “A plane just hit the World Trade Center,” she told us. She didn’t have much information and didn’t seem too distraught so we just figured that it was a small biplane that had lost course or control and crashed.
Aug 21, 2018 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Food for thought:

If you’re the Mueller team and you’ve been working with Michael Cohen for a while working out a plea deal you look to get the best information you can to take down Trump.

Which would mean that you kee him under wraps until you have your case ready to hammer... the President. You would want to save Cohen and not have him complete his plea deal until Trump was in the bag and the evidence was mounted against the President.

Instead we have a plea deal with zero convictions having anything to do with Trump.