14 Advantages And Disadvantages of #VoIPrealproscons.com/advantages-and… via @realproscons
It is easy to understand what the advantage of #VoIP is in practice. The advantages of VoIP telephony are much more significant than the disadvantages. The main thing is to accurately assess the needs of your #enterprise and turn to #professionals.
#Tech#Communication1. Body Language 2. Building of Empathy 3. Read non-verbal cues 4. Strengthens work relationships 5. Increase information content 6. Increases perception of feelings 7. Opens the door to innovation 8. Deep communication with the other party 9. Brain Activation
Jun 16, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
one of the pros of the traditional education system is the potential to transfer massive amounts of knowledge in a limited time. With such training, students acquire knowledge in a finished form without disclosing ways to prove their truth.
1. Frontal training 2. Pre-planned and Organized 3. Regulation and Punctuality 4. Increase in student performance 5. Minimum teacher preparation for the lesson 6. Minimum materials 7. Clear organization of the lesson 8. Systematic learning 9. Equality