Br-Australian writer. Speechwriter. Former Journalist @Independent. Documentary maker #TheAdopted. Join the @Kickstarter here 👇. #MECFS foot soldier.
Feb 10, 2022 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
An update as I never properly followed this up: My wife, Marjolein, won her benefits back after losing them last year. With amazing support from a kickass lawyer (who should wear a cape) we challenged @UWVnl & won. The judge found their medical assessment to be "unlawful". #mecfs
And in July 2021, her basic sick pay benefits were restored. However, we decided we don't want to go through this humiliating/ exhausting/ inhumane process again & end up in court every year. We can't do it. So, we appealed for longer term support & go to court in May. Again.
Jan 29, 2021 • 10 tweets • 9 min read
This is my wife, Marjolein, on Dutch reality show @ExpeditieRobRTL in 2004. In a contest between the Netherlands & Belgium she was the last woman (and last Dutch competitor) standing. She fought right to the end. And eventually came 3rd behind two massive Belgian lads.
This is me asking her yesterday if she wanted a salad for lunch. Just after the Dutch govt's @UWVnl took her benefits away. She has #MECFS, a neuro immune disease, & is bedbound. She hasn't been outside for 5 months. She can't look after her own kids. She's in permanent lockdown.