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Apr 23, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
#ThomasFriedman wrote #lexusandtheolivetree more than 20 years ago. Here is a retrospective. #globalisation… Its... a reflection of Hubris, of the United States as a hyperpower. Of globalisation starting to make itself felt. We live with the consequences today.
Apr 19, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
I refactored #ThreeHorizons framework through a #systemsthinking lens, making it compatible with #causallayeredanalysis. And #systemsthinking #leveragepoints are compatible with CLA, so creating a full circle of frameworks. Thee Horizons H1, H2, H3 can be refactored through a systems lens. About two systems competing, with H2 being transitory factors that might strengthen or weaken H3 from H1.
Apr 16, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Here's a post refactoring causal layered analysis with systems lens. By linking the four layers through a #systems lens, we have a better idea of the systems intervention that we might need.…

#systemsthinking #futuresthinking #causallayeredanalysis Myths and metaphors lead to worldviews through framing and planning assumptions. Deep stories are the base for which we view the world.

Could those planning assumptions be changed?
Apr 13, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Causal Layered Analysis - like 5 Whys, but also more specific than that - it's an attempt to get at the deep stories that we walk around the world with and don't realise. I look at how Causal Layered Analysis might be use for adaptation and advocacy.… The quick intro to causal layered analysis (CLA) - has got four layers:
- litany
- causes and structures
- worldviews
- metaphors
Mar 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
#Migration flows as an civilisational issue.
Five things:
- #community_identity
- sudden infrastructure provision
- terms of movement
- resource provision
- economic absorption.
#Ageing will also be another issue influencing how and where people move.… Migration - people are going to move because of changing climate from food security and sudden weather events.
Mar 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
UKR-RUS conflict reveals 4 areas of wishful thinking... Wishful thinking 1: "end of history" is here. Liberal Democracy is here. Everyone will converge there. Wrong. An open, free society needs to be actively defended, not taken for granted.