Seán Ono Lennon Profile picture
Chimera Music, the GOASTT, CLDelirium, Writer/Musician/Producer, “Mega Nepo Baby”
8 subscribers
Feb 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Okay I don’t care if these guys have ghost writers or they’re lip syncing. This is the hardest rapping I’ve heard in years. I don’t think I will ever be sad again. I can’t stop laughing and crying. Just listen to these bars! The Michelin stars line blows my mind. And the line that ends with the rollers in an HP printer, ‘you better hope it doesn’t jam.’ Is just next level who the f is writing these lyrics? What is happening? My brain is exploding!
Jan 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
People who attack anti vaxxers and anti Vaxxers mocking pro vaxxers, you’re all just shitty people. If you actually think it’s a serious medical issue then you should be worried and caring about the other side. Not combative and condescending. You’re all assholes. So dumb. Getting vaxxed or not is absolutely a personal choice. It’s none of anyone’s business. The amount of sneering and self satisfied chuckling going on is absolutely disgusting. If you really think ppl die for either choose then it’s not something to be smug about.
Jan 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Is it possible that humans are genetically predisposed towards religion? It seems like traditional religiosity has simply been replaced by the ‘woke’ world view. Basically an ideology that requires ‘faith’ to make any sense and you are attacked for questioning. And I think it is beyond tribalism, it is about believing unbelievable things. That’s the element I’m talking about. It requires faith and crumbles under real scrutiny.
Nov 7, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I want to be clear that just because I make critical observations about politics does not mean I align w either party. I have very progressive social beliefs, pro LGBTQ+, pro decriminalization, pro feminism, anti racist, pro justice. I just try and call BS when I see it. My fiscal believes may be more Centre, but frankly that doesn’t even make sense. I am just pro peace, pro bitcoin. I don’t believe in violence and therefor: volunteerism. If anything I’m a Minarchist Pacifist.
Nov 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s such a very precarious line between stoned and petrified. It’s funny I notice people assume this means I smoke pot. I actually don’t. Although I tried a puff on Halloween. But that was once in about 10 years.
Sep 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
You may not like #Bitcoin, but the Central Banks of the World have noticed and are concocting their antidote: CBDCs. Inversely the antidote to CBDCs is BTC. Eventually there will be only one choice between financial slavery to central authority, or self sovereignty through #BTC. This is just my opinion, but it’s hard to imagine any other outcome. Once the dollar is fully digital they will have full control. The only asset they will not be able to control will be #BTC. That’s why this movement is important.
Sep 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Caption this: Image Btw my text input had ‘metallic octopus’ and ‘tapir’ in it, but zero walrus. This is what came out. Also ‘mollusk.’
Sep 17, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
Tired of this current phenomenon of dehumanizing groups of ppl or ppl we believe represent groups of ppl. Everyone is doing it, the left, the right, the far left, the far right, the dumb, the brilliant, the midwits—we all do it sometimes but it has to stop. As we sit here deep in the trenches of our orchestrated polarization, it is now that we must stand up and unplug from the mob mentality and remember that human beings matter more than opinions.
Sep 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Social Media enhances peoples desire to bring others down. There’s so much negative energy in that. It’s good for humans to check each other and keep each other on point but when you spend all your time tearing people down you’re just a destructive person. It’s bad vibes man. Also the plural of medium is media. Stop with the mediums, there are no mediums unless you mean scammers pretending to be psychic.
Apr 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Knoll’s Law of media accuracy is the adage that “everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true, except for the rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge”. We have all experienced this. We read something in the news that we know is absolutely false and laugh, then turn the page and believe the next article because it is a topic we known nothing about.
Dec 19, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
The Holidays can make us feel like all these happy families are basking in togetherness while OUR weird broken family is forever picking up the pieces. I wanna remind you that those ‘normal’ families may be broken in ways we don’t see. All we can do is be there for those we love I say this because some people have mentioned this feeling to me. It’s one I am very familiar with growing up watching my friends have these big family celebrations while for me it was basically my mother and I. That kind of thing can be isolating emotionally.
May 23, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
When I was young ppl used to say racist shit about Asians around me all the time and then be like ‘Oh sorry! But you’re not reeeally Asian so…’ and I think they sincerely thought that would make me feel better. I’m not exactly sure why I brought that up but I think… …it’s because I want to say that I grew up in a time when there was zero political correctness. I literally saw political correctness being invented right in front of me (at certain schools) and then distributed and eventually enforced as a mindset and ideology. I want to say..
Oct 14, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Republicans were mad when the Dems didn’t drop Russiagate after probe found nothing. So they should in turn now drop Obamagate. Neither side should subsist on nothing burgers. Haha okay calm down 😂. We’ll see what happens. I just think people should do unto others...but I see everyone’s points.