Snehal Antani Profile picture
CEO @ Former CTO at JSOC & Splunk. Former CIO at GE Capital. tweets are my own
Mar 18, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Recap of the SVB situation from a Founder’s perspective 🧵👇#svb #SanFrancisco #startups in 2022 the VC fundraising climate soured, with valuations dropping 50%+
Mar 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
A teammate visiting San Francisco for an offsite called me frantically last night. After dinner at Fisherman’s Wharf they came back to a smashed car window and 2 stolen backpacks. $10K in gear lost, passports gone, etc. #SanFrancisco “Laptop bags were in the trunk, nothing visible from the street”, a typical description of a smash & grab, yet thieves were able to find the specific car and knew to pull the rear seat down and reach into the trunk… how?