Kelly Heaton Profile picture
(She/Her) Deputy Headteacher, EDI Lead, SocSci/Hums Teacher, Ambition Institute VF, Music Lover, Learner, Proud Mama (All views my own)
Jan 13, 2023 19 tweets 9 min read
Knowledge organisers and avoiding inflexible knowledge: A thread 🧵
The @ollie_lovell and @HFletcherWood ERRR podcast on responsive teaching, got me thinking about some of the pros/cons of #knowledgeorganisers and if sharing how at @BeckfootSchool we try to mitigate
inflexible knowledge i.e. students only ever encountering the knowledge in one format, their learning being 'shallow' and their #schema being overly simplistic. When we first introduced KOs, @Nikki__Sullivan, our amazing @BeckfootTL team, and I trained students to self-quiz